I looked up into his eyes and saw something that I was not even going to ask about, I turned around and went upstairs to do as he asked. After my shower I towel dried my hair and went into the bedroom.

Laying on the bed was a black and dark red corset, black leather pants that I am sure would mold to my skin and take forever to get off, picking up the corset I noticed something different with this one.

It was soft and once I put it on it molded to my skin, no it did not mold to my skin it became part of my skin, what the hell?

I put on the pants which took some effort, and they did the same thing, the clothes I just put on went into my skin, it was like those people that would be naked but had clothes painted on them.

Only everything was fully covered, this was weird and felt weird. I was not sure if they were ever going to come off, one thing I was going to have to ask Drake when he was not in battle form from what I gathered by how fast he transformed. Walking downstairs I stopped at the bottom.

Standing in my family room there were six huge demons all dressed in armor from what I gathered, never really seen demons dressed but only in books.

Now I have them standing in my house, I was not sure what I was to do or say so I just stood there watching and listening to their conversations.

"My lord, your soon to be bride will be well protected, we all give our life for her" and the rest all agreed with what the one was saying.

Watching Drake my heart melted, and I knew right then and there that I loved him beyond anything, and I wanted a life with him, no matter what kind it was to be.

I would make him proud being on his arm, standing next to him helping him rule the underworld or hell. My insides started to stir, and the desire swirled around me.

I forgot how well Drakes senses were, and that my desire was a calling to him, letting him know I wanted and desired him right then and there. Until he looked up and saw me standing there.

Drake stalked me, as he walked over to me, the look in his eyes was all predator, which did not help the desire swirling inside of me. Standing in front of me I had to back up a hair to look him in his eyes.

"You look ravishing my love" he said and held out his hand for me to take. I smiled and took his hand; he led me over to where the other demons were standing.

Drake was the tallest in his form he stood a good eight feet, the other demons were around seven if I had to guess, they all were an impressive sight.

Next to any of them I was just a tiny little thing, but I knew no matter what Drake would always make sure that I was well protected.

"This is Tabitha, my soon to be bride and your queen" Drake introduced me, I wasn't sure of the right protocol, so I just smiled and said "hi."

They all bowed to me, which freaked me out, I have never had anyone bow to me and now I have six massive demons bowing to me. I must have moved to Drakes' side as his arm came around my waist and gave it a small squeeze.

"These six are my personal guards Tab, three will be assigned to you for your own personal protection" Drake said, and he must have nodded or gave some sign that I did not see.

The three that stepped forward looked down at me, "Tabitha, it will be an honor to guard and help you with anything that you need" the one said.

"You all have me at a loss at the moment, can you tell me your names?" I asked, hoping I was not making an Opps with asking. "I am Zeek, I will be the main one that will always be with you, the other two are Darius and Soar, they will be with you once you are outside of the palace." He spoke.

"Thank you Zeek, and Soar and Darius, I appreciate everything, since I am new to this, I hope you will forgive any blunders I make" I said with a smile.

Drake coughed, "my soon to be wife, still has her human traits, so she is caring and loveable" he said as he kissed the top of my head. I turned to look up at Drake, "did I say something wrong?" I asked confused.

"No love, they are just not used to someone being so nice to them" he said with a smirk. Oh well this was going to be interesting getting to know what everything is.

Zeek bowed "it is a new experience to have someone so kind to guard, which will be a pleasure to guard you my queen" he said as he stood up to his full height.

Between Drake and my three new guards I feel like a mouse with cats but at least they will not eat me, I chuckled at my thoughts and Drake whispered into my ear, "I just might have to one of these nights" then he nipped my ear with his sharp teeth.

My poor body was blushing and yet turned on at the same time, it did not know what it wanted to do but I heard Drake chuckle next to me. "It is time we leave here and head home, are you ready my love?" Drake asked as he held his hand in front of me to take.

"As ready as I will ever be my love" I said taking his hand and within a blink of an eye we were not at home in my family room anymore, but in a whole new realm. 

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