"It's a fun activity for bonding, you can't expect us to spend the entire weekend in the lab, can you?" Tony answered with a wide smirk, "Lady dressed in green with blond hair from the left side"

"Why did you choose this kid, not anybody else?" She asked judgingly.

This time Peter didn't even have the time to get nervous when Tony answered: "He is the smartest kid in the whole world, he can solve problems that would take me days in few hours, his IQ is only a little bit lower than mine, but he is also the kindest and modest kid in the whole world!" The boy's cheeks got redder after every word.

The reporters hadn't noticed it, but Tony had actually called Happy to pick them up, and now he was here. Tony opened the door and gently shoved Peter in the car. As soon as he could he put his arm back on Peter's shoulder, trying to prevent a sensory overload. Luckily, it worked

"Thank you, Mr. Stark" Peter smiled, "The way you answered the questions was really cool!"

"Thanks, kid, you'll learn that over time," when he heard Peter's voice wasn't shaking, he put back his smirk, "That wasn't that bad, was it?"

"Well, that depends on whether almost going into a panic attack is considered not bad," But there was a bigger problem, "But now everybody in my school is going to know!"

"Cool, right, being my personal intern? " Peter thought that Tony was joking.

"Not cool, very not cool, my whole school will treat me differently, I don't want that!" He never had thought about how being Tony's intern would be bad.

"It's gonna be fine, you have those two friends of yours Ted and MJ don't you?"

The next week Peter was stressing out, a lot. But days passed by and after a week he woke up and had to get ready for school. Today Tony was driving him, because of how nervous he was.

"Just stick with those kids who were your friends before," Tony said when they parked next to the school, "That MJ girl will keep you out of trouble," Peter's mentor teased him a bit.

"Yeah, she will!" Peter smiled getting out of the car feeling a little bit better, but not fully, "Goodbye, Mr. Stark."

Everybody was looking at him as he passed, but can you blame them? A kid who never could afford anything fancy, got out of Tony Stark's car dressed, like this:

Everybody was looking at him as he passed, but can you blame them? A kid who never could afford anything fancy, got out of Tony Stark's  car dressed, like this:

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He tried not to look back at anybody and at the same time find MJ and Ned.

"Looking smug, loser!" He heard MJ's voice and it was like the warehouse was lifted off him.

"Hi, MJ," He said turning around to see both of his true friends, "Hi, Ned."

"Like MJ said, looking cool, bro!" Ned had a smile on his face.

"Thanks! Let's get to class," He still wasn't totally cool with all the attention, but now he knew that even if something would go wrong his friends would be there. And go wrong it did.

"Hey, Penis, got your sugar daddy, to buy you some clothes and now think you're very cool? Can't do anything on your own so got to rely on a charity?" Yelled Flash across the hallway.

If this would have happened before Peter would have been hurt, and maybe even would have started to doubt if he was a charity case, but not now. He felt more confident than ever before

"Mr. Stark is not my sugar daddy, he is my mentor, but he still finds more time for me than your father finds for you. I mean your main hobby is bullying me. That says something about a person." he responded with a smirk similar to one of Tony Stark himself and walked away.

Nobody was going to get him down anymore. He was surprised at how new clothes had made him feel more confident than ever before.

From now on Peter Parker used his new wardrobe to full advantage:

From now on Peter Parker used his new wardrobe to full advantage:

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