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It's already been 2 hours since Y/n had wandered into the forest to look for a safe spot for him to think about how he is going to steal the badge of his target, while he was walking he found a tree to sit down and to think for a second, he was too busy thinking of a game plan that someone happened to found him in that position

"Y/n?" They called out making Y/n jump in surprise, he looked up to see Kurapika with a worried expression

"Kurapika?! geez don't scare me like that" Y/n exclaimed as he scratched his head in embarrassment making Kurapika chuckle

"Sorry, what were you doing anyway?" Kurapika asked as he sat next to Y/n

"Well I was thinking of how to steal the number badge of my target without killing them" Y/n joked as he hung his head down in frustration, this small action of Y/n made Kurapika smile as he patted his back to encourage him

"Do you at least have an idea of who's your target?" Kurapika asked Y/n who was still had they're head down

"Well my guess is that it's one of the Amori brothers" Y/n said as he faces Kurapika who had his hand on his chin, it took a second before Kurapika responded

"Yeah I think I saw them earlier, I think they went west from here" Kurapika stated making Y/n look at him before getting ready to go west

"Well that's not far from here is it?" Y/n pointed to the west then looking at Kurapika who also looked like he was gonna get ready to leave

"Are you gonna come with me?" Y/n asked Kurapika who shook his head, Y/n felt sad he couldn't spend more time with Kurapika but he understood that he also needed to get their target's number badge

"I'm gonna have to pass, sorry Y/n" Kurapika apologized, this made Y/n awkward because he just technically asked him to spend more time with him

"Then where are you headed? We should have a meeting spot after we collect our target's badge" Y/n suggested to Kurapika making him think for a second, at this point it sounded he was clingy to Kurapika

"I'm gonna have to head east from here and having a meet up spot doesn't sound bad" Kurapika admitted as he was thinking of a safe spot to meet up

"Let's just meet up here when we get our number badge alright?" Y/n suggested making Kurapika agree

"Alright then I'll get going, be careful out there Kurapika" Y/n patted his shoulder before running west to his target

"You too Y/n, be careful" Kurapika waved at Y/n who was already far from him but Y/n heard this and still waved at him

"I wish I could spend more time with him, but this test is more important" Kurapika sighed as he went east to get to his target


Y/n was walking around the forest silently so that none of the people that might be around him could sense him, he was walking until he heard voices, he then hid behind a tree so that no one could see him, he looked over at the scene and saw the Amori brothers and Killua, it looked like the brothers were arguing while Killua was just standing there watching them

"Are they scared of Killua? I mean I would too to be honest" Y/n thought to himself as he kept watching them

He finally saw his target Imori who was currently being lectured by his brothers, Y/n could see how open Imori was, it's to the point someone could practically swoop in to get his number badge and that's what Y/n was planning to do, when Imori gets close to Killua he will swoop in to get his badge

"I'm gonna have to cheat a little on this one" Y/n uttered as he activated his Zetsu

He got ready to swoop in the fight and steal the badge, he was just waiting for Imori to get closer to Killua who wasn't bothered at all, as Imori got closer Y/n was ready to sprint, he just needed to get in time

"Alright kid handover your-WOAH!" Imori shouted as they felt a strong wind from there side and that was the time Y/n can steal the badge

Y/n swooped in the perfect time and was able to even get the other brother's badges

"What the hell was that?!" One of the brothers shouted making everyone shocked including Killua

"I was only planning on getting one badge but I figured I'll get the other two as well" Y/n said as he suddenly appeared on Killua's side

"Oh Y/n, what are you doing here?" Killua asked acting unfazed with what just happened

"I just needed to get my target's badge, I have no use with this two so you can keep it" Y/n tossed the two badges to Killua who was hesitant at first but gave in anyway

"HEY! GIVE US OUR BADGE BACK!" One of the brothers yelled very loudly to Y/n

"Guess I have to go, you can deal with this yourself Killua" Y/n said as he ran off the opposite direction

"Ugh... don't make me clean up your mess idiot" Killua growled as he easily apprehended the three brothers


Y/n was walking back to the meeting spot where him and Kurapika said would meet up, he arrived at the spot but instead of only Kurapika, Leorio and Gon was also there which surprised Y/n a bit

"Hey guys!" Y/n yelled to get their attention, They looked over to the noise and saw Y/n waving his hands at them while running to them, Gon did the same as well as Leorio

"Hey Y/n! did you already get your badge?" Gon asked Y/n who showed the badge to them as proof

"I just swooped in and got the badge, oh and I also bumped into Killua" Y/n exclaimed to Gon who looked happy to hear Killua was fine

"Although I kinda left him there to fight the brothers, I'm gonna have to apologize to him after this test" Y/n admitted as he scratched the back of his head

"Anyways enough about me, what are you guys talking about?" Y/n asked Kurapika and Leorio who looked like they were arranging a plan earlier

"You see, Leorio hasn't had his badge yet and we're planning on taking it from a girl named Ponzu, she is said to use chemicals, maybe you ran into her? or know anything about her whereabouts?" Kurapika explained to Y/n who needed a moment to think

"Uhh...no sorry" Y/n answered getting no idea from a girl named Ponzu

Kurapika then explained the scenarios that the badge may still be with Ponzu but she's dead or the badge is not with Ponzu anymore and she got herself into an accident, this made Leorio anxious and stopped Kurapika from speaking to not make things worse

"Hey I have a question" Y/n spoke first grabbing everyone's attention

"If this girl uses chemicals then she should have a unique scent Gon can track down right?" Y/n stated making everyone surprised by the idea

"You're right, Gon can track down the smell" Leorio agreed as well as Kurapika

"The scent should be anything that smells like chemicals" Kurapika stated making Gon nod and proceeded to track down the scent as everyone followed behind

Alright I'm done I'm gonna go take a break...

(But you have a few more lines)

Uhhh...I'll just do those later

(a:n) Thanks for reading guys! our narrator is just gonna take a break...lazy ass

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