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"Well damn, I'm sorry alright...Gosh" I said as I faced the other way not looking at him

As me and Leorio were bickering with each other Kurapika interrupted it

"I am a sole survivor of the Kurta clan" He started making the three of us look at him

Wait...Hold on the Kurta clan? that's the people that changes their eyes to red when they feel a strong emotion

"Four years ago, My clan was annihilated by a band of criminals that's why I wanna become a hunter, to capture the phantom troupe" He added as the captain took a good look at him

"Sounds like you wanna be a blacklist hunter" The captain stated

"But the phantom troupe is a A class bounty, even the seasoned hunters can't touch them" He added as he took a huff from his pipe

"That's practically suicide" I mumbled too loud that the four must've heard me

"Death is not among my fears, but what fears me the most is that time will quiet the rage in my heart" Kurapika said in a stern voice 

As he said that I saw that his eyes had almost turned into red, he's probably wearing contact lenses

"So in other words your out for revenge" Leorio interrupted as all of our eyes went to him

"You don't need to become a hunter just to settle an old score do you?" Leorio added as Kurapika gave him a glare

"That is the stupidest question I ever heard of Leorio" Kurapika stated making Leorio fuming

"That's Mr. Leorio!"

"He's right you know" I said siding with Kurapika as the three looked at me

"There only places hunters can go, intel only they can access and actions they can only take, there are more but that's probably the three that you have a chance of comprehending" I teased Leorio making him fume up even more

"Hey" Gon interrupted putting a hand up on Leorio's face

"Why do you want to become a hunter Mr. Leorio?" Gon asked

"Who me?, It's pretty simple really"

"For the money" Leorio added making us confused

"Money can buy everything you want!" Leorio said loudly

"A big mansion! a cool car and top shelf booze!" He exclaimed as he imitated taking a shot of alcohol 

"If only you could also buy class Leorio" As Kurapika said this Leorio went silent then glared at Kurapika 

"That was strike three" Leorio grunted sounding like he's gonna blow up

"Step outside, time to finish off the filthy Kurta bloodline once and for all" Leorio threatened making Kurapika frustrated

(Cue iconic scene)

"Take that back, Leorio!" Kurapika shouted as he gritted his teeth in anger, Leorio looked over his shoulder

"I said, take it back" Kurapika threatened Leorio, He only looked at Kurpika giving him a nasty stare before leaving the room

"It's Mr. Leorio" He said as he stepped outside soon followed by Kurapika

"Hey guys, I don't think that's a good idea" I said trying to stop them, Gon grabbed my arm to stop me

"Let them go, They're gonna fine because you can never understand a person unless you can understand what makes them angry" Gon explained as he held on to my arm

"Where did you learn that?" I asked Gon who only smiled at me 

"I learned it from Aunt Mito, So whatever they're feeling upset about is really important to them" Gon added making me smile at the thought

"Guess you're right" I chuckled at the thought that soon was cut off by a sailor

"Captain!" The sailor exclaimed making all of us look 

"Look. Over there." He pointed at what seemed to be a watersprout

They started explaining how the ship will sink if we get caught in it, the captain ordered one of the men to lower the sails while me and Gon stood and watched

"Anything we can do?" Gon stated as I nod in agreement, I wanna help these people while those two settle their fight

"Yeah, follow me up on deck" He said as we ran up to the deck

Sailors were running to the sails trying to get the thing to lower immediately. Me and Gon helped the sailors pull down the sails, we were struggling a lot due to the heavy wind same goes with the sailors.

"WOAH WOAH WOAHHHH!!" Katzo screamed as he was pulled by the rope that's linked to the sails

"Mr. Katzo!" Gon screamed out as Katzo was dragged by the strong winds 

"Gon! Take over for me!" I shouted making him nod as I let go of the rope and started running to the poor sailor

"HELP ME!" The sailor cried out as he passed by Kurapika and Leorio's fight

The two tried running to Katzo but was too late, he was already at the edge of the boat

"Agh!-" I grunted jumping to the edge to grab his hands but my feet was to far to grab on the edge of the ship

I soon feel a pair of hands on my ankles trying to get hold of me, I look back to see Gon holding on to my ankles while Kurapika and Leorio grab onto Gon's ankles trying to support him

"Come on, let's get them back on deck!" Leorio shouted as him Gon and Kurapika pull me and Katzo up


"You idiot! If it hadn't been for us you'd be shark bait" Leorio shouted at me

"You owe me big time man. And don't you forget it" Leorio added making Kurapika agree with him

"Honestly, how reckless are you?" Kurapika scolded me as he crossed his arms

"Yeah Y/n, you could have died if we didn't see you jumping off the ship" Gon who was also kinda mad scolded me

"Stop overreacting at least you guys caught me, the three of you did" I said trying to relax them

"I guess you have a point" Leorio stated as he sighed

"Mr. Y/n!" Katzo shouted running up to me

"Thank for saving me back there, you're really amazing" Katzo said complementing me making me smile

"Well I didn't do it alone" I said as I look over to the three

"Those three also rescued you so you should also thank them" I smiled over to them making them blush a bit

"He's right. Thanks to you three I'm still alive" He said as he bowed to them

As the three told Katzo to not worry Kurapika and Leorio eventually apologized to each other making me and Gon smile at them. The captain told us to also not worry because he will take us to the port near the exam site.

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