Bitter Betrayal

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"You might wanna take a shower. You smell like an old used condom." She said with a little laugh.

Okay first of all, ouch, second, how the hell do you know what an old used condom smells like? Looks like she changed too much. From being a bit shy to being a bit of a bitch.

"Thanks for the compliment." I said with a fake smile.

"No problem. Well, I gotta get going. See ya later!" She said as she left probably going to see his precious Hirata-kun again. Honestly, I don't even know if she has a chance.

Well, not that I care since all I care about now is taking a nice long shower. I hopped out of my bed and take a nice long look at the mirror.

"Okaa-san, Shinra, I hope you two are doing okay. I really miss you guys." I stayed silent for a moment then I grab my clothes and towel and head to the shower room.


??? POV

"Look, just admit you did it already. Just apologize and we can forget this ever happened."

"I've been telling you already that its not me. Sheesh, who took a shit on your cereal this morning to make you this pissed off?"

"What the fuck did you say to me?!"

"Calm down, look we just wanna know who made our friend Rika cried yesterday. I mean, she was covered in bruises for crying out loud!"

"And you would directly assume it's me. I understand that since I'm in class D but for me to beat up someone is out of the question. You think I would do something low like that?"

"If it's not you, then who is it? There's no one would bully someone other than you."

"Wow, someone's being judgemental. How should I know? Don't go pointing sticks randomly."

"Then what about Shinohara?"

"What about her?"

Ayanokouji POV

"Thanks for the offer but I don't think I would fit in with your group Hirata." To be honest, I just want to relax on my bed but I still have Horikita to deal with and there's even this island exam. Honestly, this is too far off from having a peaceful life.

"Don't worry about them Ayanokouji-kun. I'm pretty sure they won't mind it and to be honest, even though I don't mind with Karuizawa-san and the others, it still makes me a little uncomfortable just being surrounded by girls all the time." Hirata said. Well, they don't call you "Mr. Ladies Man" for nothing.

When I was about to decline him again, I got cut off by a call.

"Ohh, speak of the devil. Well, I gotta get going. Maybe next time then, Ayanokouji-kun?" Hirata asked.

"Well, I'll think about it for the meantime. Thanks again for the offer." As I said that, he nodded and left. To be honest, I wouldn't mind hanging out with them but there's a certain girl who would be displeased of just seeing my appearance. I don't have any problems with the girls Hirata hung out with especially with Karuizawa since he told me they were just in a fake relationship in order to protect her but just seeing Shinohara glaring at me most of the time was just too much to handle. I mean, it's not my fault I saw her screaming from that day. Horikita is enough to deal with with her eyes of death when I get on her nerves but another one is just torture at this point.

*knock *knock

As I was about to rest on my bed, I heard a knock on the door. Atleast let me close my eyes for am 10 minutes. Well, there's no getting away from this now. When I got up and open the door, I saw Ike, Sudo and Yamauchi with very creepy smiles on their faces. No wonder they couldn't get girls.

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