Chapter 2 - Colt

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I chewed the stale food, anxious, we were starting in a few minutes. First Amber would make a fire shield around us, while Diana and James get the code. We hope that their cognate status will help them, especially if I enhance them. It would have been easier if Diana could just inflict on them but the ability restrictors around her wrists that she was forced to wear erased that power for her. When we got out, I would mimic the voice of Gisela, or Gethen, or Vespera, or maybe even Fintan, so it will unclip. Then she would teleport us back to Moonshine, our home.

I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder and knew it was time. I jumped up and ran to Amber as did everyone else and she shielded us with a dome of fire. Five agonizingly long minutes passed before my sister and James out opened their eyes. I lifted my hands from their shoulders while they nodded. We vanished as soon as my hand connected with Emma's. Being an enhancer was tiring. We snuck through the empty corridors and unlocked the gate with the password that James and Diana found.

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Trapped. As soon as the gate swung open we were trapped. Neverseen members surrounding us. One took out a silver device and pressed a button. Around me I could hear my friends falling while my vision darkened. Trapped. What a stupid password, was my last thought before the all too familiar darkness took over.

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