Suho suddenly appeared and covered Jook-yung with his blazer and walk away with her. I stop running and almost slipped because of the speed. We all paused and speechless. "Is that Suho?" asked by Hyun-gyu. "Ne...the ship is sailing-" I recognized the voice. "Aish, go away. It's your fault, do want to die early?" I threatened him. "Not if I killed you first." I had goosebumps. "Oh, Seojun-ah, you look great today~" I smiled at him. "I know I look good today...but, that's not the point." I almost got him. "Can't you see that we're in a hurry? Good thing Suho apperead, gosh I ship them." I smiled like a crazy person watching k-drama.

"Psh, the Heartless robot and helmet girl? It looks like dumb and dumber to me..." I rolled my eyes at him. "Wae, are you jealous? Suho is smarter than you not dumb, Jookie is a bit dumb just a little, but if Jook-yung and you ended up together it'll be dumb and dumber."  I replied. "Why do I even talk to you, you common sense." My eyebrows curved in confusion. "Common sense? It's none sense you dummy!" He stared at me for a moment, thinking of what he had said earlier. "Doesn't matter, they're both have sense at the end." He walked out stomping his feet.

He looks like a kid...a 5 year old kid.


"I can't believe he helped me...why do you think he helped me?" Jook-yung asked me. "I don't know too...good thing he did that though." She nodded. "Thank you for helping me again." I smiled at her. "Maybe he did it because of what happened yesterday, you tricked him and he's embarrassed. He helped you for, you owe him one.'s the best dish serve cold..." We're walking in the corridor returning to our room, she suddenly stood still and gulped she walk away lost in her thoughts when she bump with the one and only Lee Suho. Suho looked down on her and she quickly ran away as if she just saw a ghost or a vampire chasing her.

Suho just stared at her running away with a questioned face. "Lee Suho!" I called out and walk towards him. "Did you know?" I asked. "Know what?" He replied. "About Jook-yung." I told him. I was a bit confused, he helped Jook-yung, maybe just maybe he knew about Jook-yung's true face? "What about her?" He replied again. "Nevermind..." I walked away. It's impossible for him to know right? 

"Kc-noona!~" It was Juyoung. "Oh, dongsaeng!" I ruffled his hair. "How's school, did someone bullied you?" I chuckled and pinched his cheek. "Have you seen Jook-yung?" He shook his head. "Kyla~" Jook-yung hugged me from behind. "Let's go to the mall with Su-ah and Sujin?" I nodded in excitement. "Bye dongsaeng~" I texted my mom that we'll go to the mall, she agreed with me if I don't go home at 10:00 pm. 


"So much pressure to me, exams are coming and I still have an empty head." Su-ah said while making a dramatic expression. "Agreed, so stressful, I'm so jealous're so smart!" Jook-yung added. "I can teach you guys if you want me to." Sujin replied and flipped her hair. "What about you Kyla?" Sujin asked me. "What about me?" I asked back. "You don't seem stress...are you smart too?" They looked at me with a hopeful smile waiting for my answer. "Well, I ranked at 3rd place when I was in Daegu and I used the vice president of our Science club." 

"Woah, daebak. Another genius." Jook-yung complimented. "Daebak? Ani, I'm also having a hard time in Math." I said while looking down. "I can teach you, come to my house this weekend." Sujin held my arm and insisted. I agreed. "What about you guys, will you come with me?" I asked Jook-yung and Su-ah. "Nope, I'll be out with Taehoon~" Su-ah twirl like a Disney princess. "I cannot come too. Sorry." Jook-yung replied. 

We enjoyed our afternoon ang bought matching scrunchies. "Squad!" Su-ah shouted, we all did the same. Su-ah need to go home because of Taehoon, Sujin need to study so, she went too. Jook-yung's mom told her to come home which she headed home too. I used my skateboard to went home too, it's only 9:00 pm and I needed to go back home before 10:00 pm. The main street and road is crowded with people and dangerous because of the cars, I decided to went to the alley to use ride my skateboard, it's faster going in the alley because it's a shortcut for me.

𝙸𝚏 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚞𝚜, true beautyWhere stories live. Discover now