Chapter 4

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Third Person 

Harry immediately grabbed Sirius' hand and had apparated to the Burrow, desperate for people to know that if Sirius was back, they could bring back the fallen. 

When they landed at the Burrow there was a blur of red and brown attacking Harry, which was of course Ron, Hermione and Ginny. 

Harry's POV

Of course as soon as I found out it was really Sirius I grabbed Sirius' hand and apparated to the Burrow, desperate for people to know that if Sirius was back, they could bring back the fallen. I was unmercifully attacked by a red blur and a bit of brown, too, which happened to be Ron, Hermione and Ginny. I hugged them back and that's when they got a good look at Sirius. 

"No" said Hermione 

"Flipping" said Ron

"way!" said Ginny. 

"That's what I thought," I replied, "But coem on Padfoot, show them!", and Sirius turned into his animagus form. Everyone gasped and Hermione clutched my hand and glared at Sirius. 

"Anyone can be an animagus. I know it takes three years, but you could have been planning this. Also, you could have put a Disillusionment Charm on yourself. We're not stupid, you know." snarled Ginny defiantly. Hermione nodded. 

Sirius chuckled "As clever as ever, girls.But you're wrong this time. You can give me Veritaserum if you want. I don't mind." 

Hermione's POV 

I can't believe this. It can't be possible. If Dumbledore AND Voldemort couldn't come back from the dead, Sirius possibly couldn't. I let go of Harry's hand and I ran to get the Veritaserum. I threw it to Harry, who caught it. He then fed it to... Well, the person. We don't know if it's Sirius. 

Ginny POV

It's Sirius. It's actually Sirius. I looked at Harry, and his eyes met my gaze. He smiled at me, indicating the sky. I knew he meant Heaven. He was signalling Fred coming back. Oh how I wish I could kiss him right now. 

Harry's POV


Ginny stared St me. "Of course I do, idiot. And how did you know that? I didn't say anything." 

"I have my ways." I said mysteriously, hoping to seem cool. But that didn't work. She raised her eyebrows. 

Wow 382 words. That's OK! Anyway byeeeee

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