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- Aeradriel aged 237

"Come on, brother!" A young Elleth called back, a grin spreading on her face as she looked behind her to see her older brother chasing after her. 

"Now, now. Sweet sister, you do not want to trip!" He shouted back as he chased her through the woods, west of their castle home in Penathor. They had tricked the elven guard at the borders of the gate so they wouldn't be followed and brought back to the castle. 

"I would rather fall than miss seeing the fire moon" Aeradriel smiled at her brother as they stopped at the edge of the mountain edge. The clouds covering what they travelled to see. Soon, the clouds passed revealing a firing red and orange moon. "It's beautiful" She whispered as she sat down on a rock next to her. 

"It is. This rarely appears here since we live in ice, they can be seen more in Dunland" Samrion told his little sister, sitting next to him as they watched the sky light up with stars and the colours of the fire moon. 

Samrion, being 1297 at the time was very protective of her and always would be. Though she had a twin, Virion, Samrion and Aeradriel were more close. 

"When do you think we would see another one. I rather like seeing something other than the colours of blue and white?" Aeradriel asked her brother, resting her head on his shoulder. 

The moon of Penathor were usually white, or blue. Blue because of the magic that lied in the centre of the capital. 

"I do not know sister, I am not a wizard" He replied making the young elleth giggle at his response. 

The children of the king and queen of Penathor rarely got to venture out of the borders of the capital grounds. Virion, Aeradriel's twin was training to be an elven guard so he was outside the grounds. Samrion was meant to be next in line to the throne and Aeradriel was the only Elleth of the siblings, meaning she was 'forbidden' to train or leave the castle grounds without permission of her parents and leave with guards.

The two siblings sat in silence in each other's company staring off into the sky until a number of guards approached them. 

"Nin cóon a brethil. I rís can cin n-ana dan na i cardhon. Ú pusto" {My prince and princess. The queen has commanded you be brought back to the castle. immediately.} One announced as Aeradriel looked up in fear to her brother. He noticed this and looked to the guards. 

"Man lar nin adar iest?" {What does my father wish?} He asked bringing a protective arm around the younger Elleth. 

"Cín adar na- cared hon té na Mirkwood, nin hir" {Your father is making his way to Mirkwood, my lord}

"Brother, I do not want to face her. What will she do? We were not allowed out of the castle in the first place?" Aeradriel whispered to him as he put a hand on each of her shoulders giving a comforting smile. Yet you could see the pain behind them.

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