Hearing a loud gasp, I came back from my thoughts. I looked towards the entrance and found Zohma rushing to me with a worried look on her face.

"No need to worry, it was just a little accident." She nodded, staring at my dried bloody shirt.

"And Zohma, please help her. I am going to change my shirt." I left her without caring for her response. My wound was killing me and I was in no mood to deal with her interrogation right now.

I entered the washroom, took off my dirty shirt and put a new one on. Coming back to Zohma, I saw her standing next to the couch with a surprised expression, looking at Sandal. She just stood there, frozen.

What's wrong with her?

"Zohma?" I walked to her and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"Bhai! What is Sandal doing here?"


"You know her?" I asked, frowning at Sandal.

"Yes! But first, tell me. What is she doing here and why is she unconscious?"

"How did you know her?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"Bhai answers me first, why is she here?"

"What do you mean why? She is my assistant." I answered harshly.

"She is your new assistant whom Mamo hired?" She asked in disbelieve.


"But why has she fainted?"

"I don't know." I said, looking at her.


"So you girls met in Peshawar?"

"Yes! When we went for our educational tour to Peshawar, she was working as a trainee in the university's library. But I lost contact with her in the last two months. I never thought that I'd meet her again in Karachi and she would be working as my brother's assistant. It's a small world I guess."

Lying on my bed, I recall the conversation Zohma and I had in the car after dropping Sandal off at home. She was also surprised to see Zohma too. Both of them were so happy that they totally forgot that one of them was unconscious a few moments ago and they also forgot about me being injured.

I wonder what sort of friendship they had. Are they close to each other? If yes, then it might be a problem. Sandal could tell Zohma about Anam, which I don't want because I still haven't gotten my hands on the papers of Saifi House, my house.

My family doesn't know about Anam and if Sandal were to tell her, it will ruin everything, which I would never allow. I have waited so long for this and I don't want to lose when I am so near to getting it. I am also aware that if my family gets to know about Anam, they will force me to end everything and forget about Saifi House. But I can't, I can't forget about Saifi House, I am tired of running from my fears and I want to face it now. No matter how much pain it may cause me. That's why I want Saifi House back.

I looked at my injured hand and close my eyes.

It still hurts...

Dropping my hand, I sighed. Injuring my right hand will be causing me lots of problems till it heals. Seems like my assistant will have a lot of workload from now on.

"Sandal!" I tested her name on my mouth. It is a nice name, but it could be better if she were named as 'Gul' because she smells like flowers rather than sandalwood.

What am I thinking.....!?

I mentally slap myself. What am I thinking? I turned on the television to watch the news, but for some reason, the vision of her pale face and her warmth kept me from escaping from it. I groan and switched off the T.V. That girl! That weird girl, she is dangerous for me. In more ways than I can think.

I got mad when Fahad called to tell that they are going to lunch. Without thinking, I went to pick her up and I was barely able to control my anger when I saw Fahad and Sandal walking side by side. Especially when Fahad made that stupid comment about Sandal being his future wife. I was planning to let all of my anger out on her once we get to work, but when she nervously sit in the car beside me, all of my anger flew away.

I didn't say a single word to her and avoided her all day. I was also surprised at myself for being such a softie and I really hate it. This is not me. Ahmed Wali is not a person who is kind to girls other than his sisters. Not even for his play toys.

So why am I being so damn nice to her.....?

I groan again and close my eyes. I really want to make her pay for making me confused like this and who knows, I might really do.


Asslam o Alaikum and hello everyone:

Readers, who don't understand Urdu, allow me to tell.

Gul: means flower in Urdu

And I hope you all know what Sandal means.

Oh yeah! One more thing. Pardon my mistakes in English. I never was good at writing things in English and still not good I guess and English is not my mother language also. So, sorry ^^'

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