part 2 - meet jughead jones - jughead

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hey, i'm forsythe pendleton jones the III, but please call me jughead. my life has been a circle of hell. my mom left with my kid sister jellybean years back. all because of my dad's drinking problem, i'm currently living at the twlight drive-in but apprently, andrews construction is ordered to destroy it by the end of the week.
the only person i would not tell I'm living here is my best friend, betty cooper, i'm stuck in a worm hole of feelings, i'm screwing myself, i had this dream of me and her together like, dating.
i'm also worried for her, she came to school one day with a busted lip, i asked her what happened and she said she had chapped lips, but her pink glossy lips said otherwise, then another day her arm was covered in bruises, she said she fell down the stairs. im scared, worried, stressed out about this. betty ran into the blue and gold fast.

{J}: hey betts wha-

i was quickly cut off by the sound of her bursting into tears and she ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck trapping me in a hug

{J}: betts, what's wrong..

{B}: i'm scared juggie.. i'm scared..

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