28. The Legion of Doom

Start from the beginning

"Too slow, Ms. Lance." He says. "Far too slow. To think you had actual godhood literally in your grasp. Well, I'm not going to make the mistake I made the first time. I'm going to erase you all from existance. You won't even be dead."

But I'm not worried. Sara is pretending to have failed, but I can see she hasn't. I'm just not sure how.

My question is answered when he tries to use the spear, but nothing happens. "I may have made one small change to reality."

"You depowered the spear." He realises. "Well, I guess we'll just have to do this the old fashioned way. I am going to drive this through your heart."

At the sight of his vibrating hand, I am worried. I try to get up, but it hurts too much.

Suddenly I hear a weird roaring.

Sara smirks. "Yeah, about that..."

A guy in a Flash costume appears, but he has this ugly mutated face. From what I know, I'm assuming that's his non-existance.

In a millisecond, the ugly Flash is standing in front of him. It takes him even less time to kill Thawne. Once he does, he and the spear dematerialize. And the expression on Thawne's face is worth gold. It's everything I needed to see in my life.

The other versions of Thawne disappear too. But then the creepy Flash runs towards Sara. He looks her in the eyes for a while, threatheningly, but runs away afterwards.

That's when I realise the pain is gone. I quickly get up and run towards her, pulling her in for a hug. "You did it."

She lets out a deep breath in relief. "Yeah... I did."

When I let go, her future says the same thing. "You did it."

"You would've done the same thing." She replies.

Future Sara starts to disappear now too. "Remember, Legends never die."

"Really? Goonies?" Nate asks when she's gone.

Amaya doesn't understand. "What's a goonie?"

Nobody really feels like answering her. Instead we make our way back to the ship.


Me and my brother are bringing Lenny back to 2014. He clearly thinks we're gonna kill him. "Should've done this in France, Rory's. Could've saved us both a lot of time."

"What? You have plans for when you're dead, Lenny?" I ask sarcastically.

"Figure of speech." He replies.

"We didn't bring you here to kill you, Leonard." My brother tells him.

"So what are we doing here?" He asks.

"This is where Thawne recruited you for the Legion." I reply.

Chucky explains. "We're gonna wipe your memory and put you on the right path."

"You mean the path where I join up with some Brit twit and die trying to save the world?"

"No, you die trying to save your friends." My brother corrects.

"Still a death sentence." He points out.

I do a sarcastic attempt at cheering him up. "On the bright side, you get to spent your last moments with us."

He looks at me and my brother for a second, but doesn't respond. "You know what your punishment is, Leonard?" Chucky asks. "You end up being a better man. And so do we."

He scoffs."Better? You mean softer."

"No. I mean better." Chucky says. I take the mindwipe thing and flash him with it.

Then my brother and I leave without giving the guy a second look.

He's right, my brother, we did become better. These two years on the Waverider have changed me like nothing ever has. And I'm grateful for it.

But still it feels like something is missing. Like there's something I need to do... and it isn't on this ship.


"How did it go with Leonard?" Sara asks.

"It sucked."

"How did it go with Darhk?" I ask her.

"It sucked."

She sits down next to me on one of the boxes in the Cargobay. "I wanted to ask you something."

I turn to my right, so I'm fully facing her.

"I was wondering what you wanted. In the future."

"I want to live in the suburbs and have two children and a dog." I reply.

Her eyes widen, causing me to start laughing. "I'm kidding, just kidding."

She sighs in relief. "Good. I'd want a cat."

"That's the part that bothers you?"

After giggling like two teenage girls for a few blissful seconds, she becomes more serious. "No, I mean it, what do you want?"

I sigh, contemplating how to tell her. Even wondering if I should tell her. It's stupid, really... but I can't let it go.

"I think I need a break."

That smile on her face is gone so fast it would leave Thawne impressed. "What do you mean?"

"I want to... leave the Waverider."

"For how long?"

Looking at my suddenly very interesting feet, I answer truthfully: "I don't know."


This causes me to look up. "No?"

"No. I'm not loosing you again!" She indignantly reponds.

My first instinct is to fight this and say that she may be the captain, but she isn't the boss of me. She can't tell me what to do.

But I don't.

I know well enough that this bossy exterior is only that: an exterior.

"You won't lose me. I'll come back."


"I love you."

She shakes her head for what feels like the millionth time. "You can't."

I take her hand, a very familiar thing by now. "I have to."

She squeezes that hand, which is also something very familiar. "Why?"

"Could you please just trust me on this?"

After taking a deep breath, she replies with: "I trust you."

Those words mean a lot to me. After all the times I've lied to her and betrayed her, it's a wonder she still wants to talk to me. Let alone trust me...

But she does and I love her for it. For that and so much more.

And so I make her a promise. One that I fully intend to keep. "I'll come back to you. And the team. I promise."

She nods sadly, bringing me in for a long lingering kiss.

"Ow, I'm sorry to interrupt ladies. It's just, uh, you're sitting in front of the door."

Reaper ends the moment as usual. He has a bag with him, clearly leaving too.

I give Sara a sad smile and take my emergancy suitcase out of one of the cargo bay boxes. But before I can leave with Grim Reaper, Sara whispers something in my ear:

"I love you too, babe. And I'll be waiting."

With that message, I leave the place I've called home for the past two years of my life. Off to the new adventures waiting for me. And as unsure as the future suddenly is, there's one certainty:

I'm going to miss Sara.

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