
493 7 14


Emelie Altmann (original character)

age: 20

hair: straight black, mid back/waist length, parted to side

eyes: double-lidded, big almond shape, brown amber color

skin: pinkish tan, a little more tan than Mikasa

height: 5'3"

build: body build in between Historia and Mikasa

-7 in top 10 of 104th cadet corps.

Levi Ackermann

age: 29

height: 5'3"

Mikasa Ackermann

age: 16

height: 5'7"

-1 in top 10

Eren Jaeger

age: 16

height: 5'7"

-5 in top 10

Armin Arlelt

age: 16

height: 5'4"

-not in top 10

Jean Kirschtein

age: 16

height: 5'9"

-6 in top 10

Historia Reiss

age: 16

height: 4'9"

-10 in top 10

Conny Springer

age: 16

height: 5'2"

-8 in top 10

Sasha Braus

age: 17

height: 5'7"

-9 in top 10

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