Chapter Two: At The Festival

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  Once Kiyoomi  got into his car he looked at himself in the mirror. " ok I look ok."he said to himself over and over again. He started his car and put of music specifically  " can't hold us ". He turned on the AC a bit and drove out of his driveway.

Atsumu was looking out the window  for Kiyoomi  to come. Osamu was just looking at him making a onigiri. " you're  going to freak him out if he just sees you staring at the window. As he pulls in to pick you up." Osamu said as Atsumu turns back around " but maybe me and him will..."  Osamu  choked on his onigiri  and yelled " SERIOUSLY? RIGHT INFRONT OF MY ONIGIRI " Atsumu was shocked  and just watched  him leave. As he shrugged  and  waited  for Kiyoomi.

After moments  later.

Kiyoomi  sighed as he pulled up to his drive way and unlocked  the car doors. Because he just knew  Miya would come running outside  like a weirdo.

Atsumu  heard someone pull in as he grabbed all his stuff and left" BYE OSAMU  I LOVE  YOU". And just like that he left  and slammed the door on his way out.
Osamu was annoyed  at the door but was smiling because he heard those three words as he continued  to eat his onigiri.

Atsumu ran up to the car and opened it. " Omi!"  Kiyoomi  looked  at him and sighed " yes Tsumu..."  " How do I l o o k "  he said   very seriously.  Kiyoomi  looked at him and blushed  behind his mask." You look fine Miya"  he pulled down his mask and kissed his cheek.

Atsumu was  startled  as he laughed a bit. " aww omi~" Atsumu  smiled as he kissed Omi-kun  cheek to. 

Sakusa wasn't surprised  but he still blushed. " ok let's go love" he started up the car again and  put on music  specifically " just a dream"  as he  drives out there driveway. And  starts leaving, after a while into the song he found himself and miya singing.
He started to blush a bit and smiled as he looked at Atsumu  having fun. " miya I love you he said while driving."

Atsumu smiled " thats nice and all but pay attention  to the road I dont wanna die looking like this." He joked around but he saw the annoyance  on Omis face and backs up, to the side of the seat.

Kiyoomi  stopped the car as soon as they got to the festival.  And looked at Atsumu to get his crusty musty ass out his car-. [ No atsumu  slander >:) but this is funny.] 

Atsumu  whined and got out as he fixed himself up. " Omi~  I heard kawa was coming to with iwaizumi. "  Kiyoomi  looked up at him while locking his car and sighed " damn."  Atsumu was smirking as he started to walk over to Kiyoomi. " we are so watching the fireworks  aren't we :)"

Kiyoomi  looked at Atsumu and noticed that the fireworks  are 2 hours away and thought he could distract  himself. "Ya I guess"  he could see Atsumus cute face from here and left him and started walking to the festival.

OMI!" he cried out " DON'T  LEAVE MEEE". He started running after him , and as soon as he catched up he flicks the back of his head. "Hmph" Kiyoomi  grunted " so annoying 😤 "  

Atsumu looked at him " but you love me~"  he looked straight ahead and saw a  familiar  face. " KAWA"   oikawa turned around as did Iwaizumi  and got infront of oikawa "No!" Iwaizumi  yelled.  Meanwhile oikawa pushed him out the way and ran to atsumu and atsumu ran to kawa. All in slow motion,  Kiyoomi  and Iwaizumi  thought  they were crazy.

Oikawa hugged atsumu as atsumu did the same.  " kawa!!! " Tsumu!!!".  Meanwhile Kiyoomi  and Iwaizumi  were shaking hands  like normal people " hey Iwaizumi  ...short time no see"

Iwaizumi  chuckled " yea you to sakusa." They  walked off as they didn't think twice about them. Cause they  were already  being attention. 

Atsumu and kawa run in and start buying alot. And eventually it was time for fireworks so they said goodbye and met up with there partners.

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