Your future Habibti's diary

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This is a diary,
From the future habibti to her future habib.

A diary full of silly wishes, innumerable desires and bountiful secrets. A diary full of hopes and sparkles. A diary whose only motive is to keep my dangling tender heart caged and preserved, for my future love, my future husband.

This is a "Go with the flow" Book. I won't be editing it at all. It's going to be the fountain of my feelings and my hand will only do the job of writing my heart out.


To keep writing this diary, till I finally get to meet him. To keep myself reserved for the only lucky person out there, who deserves the craziest tsunami version of me.

To gift him this diary and to show how much I love him, only him.
Ever since then and now

P.S : I'm blushing right now.
Geez, how cheesy of me.


Yes, I could have written all of this in a personal diary which would have been deeply pushed beneath my bed, or stuffed in between my toys, or hidden in the secret compartment of my cupboard, or camouflaged between my numerous books, or beneath the tiles or by just putting some invisible spells on it. Right?

Well, sorry but I cannot use any of the above mentioned amazing techniques to hide my diary.

Most importantly, you cannot even have such diary with the most weirdest and craziest yes-we-are-the-spy-kind of siblings roaming around you 24*7

Yes you cannot write the diary, with a strict mother who knows the very nook and corner of this house, especially my room including the 5d version of it.
Mothers :)

My dad is cool.
But no sorry. If he finds out my diary, he would totally make fun of me for badly wanting to marry a guy. He would shed some fake tears saying, 'Did we raise you for this?'
But deep down I'm sure he will be proud.

But still, No thankyou.
I dare not take any risks or I might be abandoned from my own kingdom of fantasy and imagination.

Clearly speaking, I don't want my parents to go crazy, thinking that their eldest daughter is head over heels for a guy who she doesn't even know a bit.

I fear, they might start printing the invitation cards, who knows?!

And my siblings would already start planning the traditional suits for the wedding. Moreover, they wouldn't stop smirking for sure.

Yes, indeed I'm from a crazy yet the most strictest family.


To develop my character throughout this diary. To stay away from the evil temptations of this world, to avoid any literal guy out there.

To follow the sunnah, to learn and to practice.


This diary is just a normal little diary of a young girl whose intention is nothing but to wait for her husband.

This book doesn't represent ISLAM at all, this is just a silly little book I choose to open up myself, to write for none but my future habib.

If someone's reading this,
I really hope you would like it.
I would love to hear the views from your side.

No no! Don't be like,
"That's so ridiculous of you!"
"This is so cheesy!"
"Someone get her married already"
"I hate men"
"Does the guy even exist?"
"That's a fairy tale"
"Grow up girl!"

I know, I really know atleast some of you do think of him.
I know you are praying for him and there's nothing to be so embarrassed and ashamed about.

I repeat again, this book has no real intentions. It's just a virtual diary for me.

But Thankyou if you are here, reading it.

Who knows, just who knows, if my future husband is here reading it too.
I know that's not possible..

Wait, it is possible. But let's not hope. Let's just wait.

I'm sure it's gonna be worth the wait❤

Till then,
KhudaHafiz ❤✨

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