Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice

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(TW) suicide attempt

Layla Pov~

I stand at the top of the stairs, my mom is asleep on the couch. I grab a note pad and a pen and write:

I'm heading to bed early I don't feel to well.

I place it on the table and quietly go up to my room and lock my door behind me. Jayla went home with a friend he made and Kayla hasn't come home yet, so it's just me and mom home. I put on Emily's hoodie. And a notebook sits on my vanity with words written.

I'm alone utterly alone. When you read this I'm going to be gone. I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore, I miss her so much and nothing is helping. I love you all so much.

A tear runs down my face. I don't wanna die but I want the pain to go away, this is the only way. Suddenly I hear the front door open. Fuck! Kayla is home.

"Great timing" I whisper to myself sarcastically. I shove the note in my vanity and walk down stairs to my sister and mom arguing. The perfect distraction until my mother spots me.

"Oh I thought you were going to sleep scarecrow" my mother really had to care about me right now!?

"Uh... I was... oh getting some water." really that's the best I came up with?

"Alright, well your sister is already grounded" of course she is. I grab some water and starts to head up the stairs. My mom hugs me and kisses my forehead before I could make it up the stairs. Well... that's gonna be her last hug with me, I started to tear up.

"Oh, scarecrow why are you crying?"

"Uh... just depression stuff I guess" I fake a smile and walk up the stairs and yet again close my door and lock it grabbing the note and putting it on my vanity. I take a look around my room again, and go up to the attic sobbing, I don't remember climbing up to the roof but I ended up there.

"I'm coming, Emily" I move to the edge of the roof. Close my eyes and step off. I hear my mom yelling my name... I wanna go back, I hope this works.

"Beetlejuice" I whisper



I felt someone holding me.

"Lyds?" He had a raspy voice, but soothing.

"No... Layla... t-thank y-y-you" I choke on my tears. I feel a gush of wind and suddenly I'm up on the roof in my moms arms.

"M-Mom... I'm s-so so-rry" It was hard to breathe, I felt so bad for my mom. She just sat there holding me in silence. I look around to see if this friend of my moms was around but he seemed to disappear. We sat in silence on the roof for 45 minutes, Kayla popped her head out of the attic window.

"Mom? Jayla's friends mom asked if he could sleep over"

"Hm...o-oh tell them yes. I'll be in soon" She looks at me and I can see how bad I hurt her just from her eyes.

"Mom, I'm sorry" I mumble out

"The only thing that matters is that you are alive" She motions to the window with her eyes. I climb back in and she follows behind me. She lightly grabs my arm and I flinch, my mom just gave me a long look and lead me to the basement where I saw Barbara and Adam sitting on the couch.

"Can you watch her, I-I can't do this right now" my mom starts to tear up.

"Oh sure" Barbara looks at Adam confused. My mom runs up the stairs.

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