Tragic accident

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(Tw fainting, Ed stuff)
Layla's Pov~

I wake up, I realize that Bj isn't next to me. "BEE!!! OHhh BEETLE MAN!!" I laughed at me saying beetle man. Suddenly their is a poof in my room and I see Beetlejuice standing with his hands on his hips

"What do you want Layla." He says with an attitude

"Woah what's with the attitude?" Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"You don't remember hm? What today is wow." He started walking out but I realized today is the day he has to choose between me and the netherworld.

"Ohh... that doesn't mean you be a dick. Just cause you have one doesn't mean you can be one." I pull his arm to face me "Beetlejuice, I'm sorry that you have to choose, it sucks but we are both huma... we are both livi... damn it this speech isn't going as planned. But you will get through it."

"Why'd ya say my name?"

"It made it sound more formal, it won't send you back if I say it once." I turn my head and wink, I have no clue why but I did.

"But what if you say it and it scares me hm?"

"Then I'll say it twice." I shrug my shoulders.

"Ugh you're so hard." My 15 year old mind went straight to dirty and Beetlejuice being a dirty demon I had to say something.

"No I'm not but I bet you are." I smirked. Bj's eyes widened

"LAYLA! WOAH!" He giggled a bit and smiled at me. "Fine bad word choice, you're so difficult."

"You know I can still turn that into something dirty?" I say with confidence

"You are just a tiny person why are you that dirty? I mean I am very dirty minded but I've been around for many many long years."

"Generation Z what can I say." I smile

"Oh crap the food!" Beetlejuice dissappears, I walk downstairs to see a bunch of food being made.

"What's this for?" I ask him I walk towards him, he is putting cut veggies in a bowl and I trip on a towel on the floor and fall onto him practically pinning him to the counter, he pulls me around so I'm the one pinned against the counter. I bite my lip trying not to laugh.

"Your family, but I make requests." He smirks

"Oh do you now?" I jump up on the counter and kiss him. I hear footsteps, and my moms voice. I whisper to Bj "as much as this is adorable, my mom is coming and I don't want her catching us, so go flip the bacon" he slowly backs away from me and goes to the stove where he flips the bacon. Today my siblings went to visit our father in jail, I decided to stay back. My mom walks in, to me sitting on the counter swinging my legs and Beetlejuice flipping bacon like nothing happened.

"Wow Beetlejuice, you made all this?" My mom asks.

"With a little help from your wonderful daughter."

I look at him and say "Yep got up early!!" I fake a smile and hop off the counter and set the table. And the Maitlands poof in and sit down.

"He made this? Since when do you cook Beetlejuice?" Barbara asks confused on how the demon learned how to cook.

"Not just me, Layla helped too!" He is giving me credit for nothing.

"Well uh thank you?" Adam says to us.

We eat breakfast and Beetlejuice stands up to make an announcement. I don't know what its about but I have an idea and I'm not ready for it. He can't leave, we just kissed yesterday...

"So as you all know I have to decide between here or the netherworld by tonight, I'm still unsure what I want to do, you all seem to not like my presence...

My mind went blank I could still hear him talking but not understanding, he just said all and he knows for sure I love his presence and my mom doesn't seem to mind

...and I want to feel welcome here. I have an idea of what I want to do but I'm not sure yet. So that's why I made breakfast if I stay don't expect breakfast everyday though."

"We are trying to adjust, and we will try to be more welcoming." Barbara said faintly. Me still unable to fully comprehend the conversation and what's going on. I get up lightheaded and see everything moving so quickly and my head hits the floor and everything goes blank. I see nothing, just black, am I dead? I couldn't be, I... if I'm dead... I can be with him in the netherworld and he won't have to choose. But am I?

Narrator's Pov~

"Layla!!!" Lydia yells from across the table. Beetlejuice runs to Layla's side since he was closest to her.

"Is she dead...?" Her mother asks.

"No Lyds she isn't, she is just unconscious." Beetlejuice stands up. And closes his eyes and appears as human. "I only can be like this for a little until it hurts to take on this form. I'm going to take her as her uncle. Just meet me at the hospital." Beetlejuice picks up Layla.

"Take care of..." and the secret couple disappeared from the house. Lydia runs to get her keys and calls the kids step father to tell him that Layla is in the hospital. Lydia gets into her car and heads to the hospital.

"Help! my niece fainted and she has a faint heartbeat!" Beetlejuice yells walking into the hospital. A nurse takes Layla and puts her on a gurney.

"What's her name?" A nurse asks

"Uh Layla Brooke." He had to use her step father's last name because all the medical papers had it listed as Brooke. They roll her down into a room and put her on oxygen.

3 hours pass by and Lydia is sitting in Layla's hospital room waiting for her to wake up. It's been a while and she began to worry for her daughter. The mother couldn't figure out why she fainted, she'd been asking for gum a lot and drinking tons of water... she realized what her daughter has been doing or per say hasn't been doing.

"Hello, are you Layla's mother?" A doctor asks walking into the room

"Yes I am, how is she."

"Well she is very malnourished. Have you noticed anything?" He asks

"No, she seems to eat... but I don't know. She never really seemed to want to come down for dinner I thought it was her depression. So I'd let her stay in her room." Lydia said worried for her middle child.

"I'll have to talk to her when she wakes up so please come find me when she does" the doctor walks out

Whilst in the netherworld, Beetlejuice has made his choice.

"Juno, I've decided."

"And what will it be?" Juno asks

"I'm staying with the Deetz." The demon says with no hesitation, all that's on his mind is if Layla is alright. He didn't wait for her to wake up because his disguise started to disappear, so he wanted to get this part out of the way.

"You really love that Deetz mom don't ya?"

"Her daughter." He took pride in loving Layla, people may say that it's highly wrong but love is love and he is a demon so he knows it may be hard but he truly loves her.

"You do you Beetlejuice. You should be off." Juno responds

A/n- imma end this chapter here. Cause I want to release it now. The next chapter should be out soon. Sorry for having yall waiting I have another book I'm writing. But I've had this idea for a while. I hope yall enjoy!

Beetlejuice and The daughter of Lydiaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें