Part 6-A The "date"

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Sorry for not updating in, FOREVER! I honestly missed and forgot about this, my schedule has been hectic. Here is another chapter. -Unimportantpansexual
P.S. He looks fine in this (not mine)

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat faced away from him, my body chilled to an icicle. I shook in a puddle of emotions, hate, fear, sadness. I wanted to just let go, let all this misery be caused by the same man behind me.

"Why are you crying?" He sounds as if he was pouting.

'Like you wouldn't know.' I grew more hatred, if possible. I took a deep, shaky breath. "When." I wanted to know when I would have to go deeper into hell, with this villain that I had only seen on the news.

"Tonight, at 7:00 (or 19:00)" His voice a few pitches short of being monotone. He didn't sound as interested anymore. I heard him walk closer, I sat still. Then there was a small fumbling noise, "Here, I 'bought' an outfit for you."  I pulled my head up, tears dried. "See you at 7:00 (19:00) princess."

'Princess. Are you fucking serious, that's just another name for a helpless damsel. I am not helpless.' I looked at the outfit:

Reader's choice!!!
All outfits are accompanied by black or white sandals/heels
Your options:

Reader's choice!!!All outfits are accompanied by black or white sandals/heels Your options:

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Damn you look fine ;) and powerful may I add

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Damn you look fine ;) and powerful may I add

I sat there staring at the outfit before me, it was personally tailored, from my hips to my shoulders. I glanced at the time, 2:50 (14:50). "Great, another waiting game." Sarcasm dripping with each word. I took off the outfit then waited in the room making tasks for myself, reading again, daydreaming, even making poetry. My poetry was mostly made of butchered pieces from Shakespeare and any other poets I knew.

By the time I finished distracting myself, it was 4:29 (16:29). I huffed at how long the villain let me sit here. I at least wished he gave me something to do. I found myself subconsciously poking at my wound and felt the pain pulse throughout my arm. Every once in a while I would pull away if I got too close to the opening.

I looked around the room for the millionth time and noticed something shiny under the bed. With closer inspection I found it to be a pencil. What caused the glare was the metal that connected the eraser to a pencil. I figured there was nothing else to do, so I started drawing on my legs, hands, and arms. I did so softly so I didn't break the skin, the marks were very light and almost unnoticeable.

I giggled at my immature drawing of a dick that lay on my inner thigh. The joy short lasted when I checked the clock nearby, 5:31 (17:31). I huffed out of annoyance. I flopped my head towards the ceiling that was cracked in several areas. I looked at the already faded pencil marks sprawled across my limbs. I rubbed some with my hand and watched them fade further.

I wanted to sleep but didn't trust my surroundings enough to rest my eyes. I yawned at the thought of it. Out of boredom, I glanced at the clock, 5:33 (17:33). I noticed dim lighting coming from the wall. I looked up and saw a slim, horizontal window. It was out of my reach so I climbed onto the nightstand and put my chin on the windowsill. I made sure to not fall, then pulled the blinds up. Bad idea.

The light that shone through was almost blinding. I squinted as I looked through the stained windowpane. The sun was facing my direction and was shining brightly in pride. The forgotten edge of the city was all lit up, but with the light always comes the darkness. The shadows looked to hold all the nightmares of the city.

I stood there with my chin reached over the windowsill soaking in every detail of the picture before me. I looked at the clock after I found the view repetitive. 6:12 (18:12) I grew anxious thinking about what was to lay in the future. I closed my eyes took a deep breath and opened them. I climbed down and sat on the floor.

I went blank. Everything I saw, no emotion, no reaction only "Okay". I looked back at the semi-visible marking on my body. One read "Stop hating yourself for everything you aren't. Start loving yourself for everything you are." That quote, she said it. My best friend. The one that was brutally murdered by the man I have to go on a date with. My eyes betrayed me and released the tears that I tried so hard to hold back. I thought of the memories I carried, the ones of good the ones of bad, God I missed her. I felt my eyes try to close as I was just physically drained as I was mentally.

I sat on the floor, knees tucked against my chest. I soaked in all my misery and calmed myself down. The only thing I could do is sit and wait for the damn clock, 6:37 (18:37). I grabbed the pencil again figuring I had nothing better to do than draw on my hand. I practiced drawing eyes and faces. Once I finished I looked at the time again, 6:57 (18:57).

I groaned knowing that I should change into the clothes given to me. I finished changing and the door opened within 3.12 seconds.

"I see you are ready princess," he smirked. "Let's go, shall we?" A quick nod was the only response I gave him.

I was lead through his door, hearing the lock give off a small 'click'. I was hit with a strong smell of alcohol. The lights around were dim and a yellow shade, some flickering and others completely burnt out.

As we walked down the hall I could see years of water damage creeping their way down the walls. At the end of the hall was the open bar area again, fewer people were occupying the space. The blue-haired man and the purple blob were still in their places from last time. One resting on the barstool and the other cleaning glasses behind the bar counter.

The man sitting at the bar only gave me so much as a side glance and a 'tsk'. He sounded childish, "inviting." Card games still laying on the floor, most had unintelligible stains.

"This way." I was blindly guided down a flight of stairs and onto concrete.

Word count: 1112
Jesus, I haven't written in this book in forever. I'M BACK THOUGH! Tbh I missed writing I just never had the time to. I will try to upload whenever I can, it won't be a guarantee but the next chapter will be out soon. Also sorry for the shitty cliffhanger I know they suck.

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