Speedster War Arc Trailer

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After the death of Future Romaine, the events of the Great Speedster War that occurred in his own timeline are shown. Depicting the great tragedies that took place leading up to his arrival in the current timeline.


Romaine: "This is it everyone. The final front against Black Zero. It's all or nothing now."


Jayden: "How the hell are we gonna fight a storm?"


Donte: "Guys. It's risky, but I have an idea. We can make a lightning rod."


Romaine: "Donte! Nooo!"


Jayden: "The heck is an 'Infinity Seal'?"


Romaine: "Sam, why would you do that for me? Why me?"

Samuel: "Because...you're the coordinate..you're the only one that can end all this Romaine.."


Romaine: Why was it all of you? Why did all of you have to die and not me? This is all my fault...


Velocity [Season II]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora