golden child

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Errors pov

Inky and I were walking around, he really was just dragged aroud. But I really didn't care.

It was nice to spend some time with inky.... And the golden child to APPARENTLY.

They were sitting on a 4 person bench, but me alone kinda accounts to 2 people in body weight.

I weigh almost 250, so I kinda just sat on the side and watched them. But that's ok.

I totally didn't want to spend time with my inky, I can't wait till I get to go home.

But that can wait for now. I just kinda stared of, course that's when I saw someone staring at me.

Or staring at us I guess, I gave him a death glare, and boy did this kid not k kw when to quit.

I got up " hey kid, can I help you?" I shouted at him, he did nothing but turn his head.

He replied" yeAh maN, Can I HelP You *hic*" the guy looked intoxicated.

I walked up to him, he was smaller than I expected, " why are you staring at me and my freinds."

"*Hic* Oh doNt wOrry, *hic* I was Just LookIng aT thAt *hic* liTtle Girl."he said

I stared " first of, that's a boy not a girl. And second of, that's my bf."

"Hey error" inky shouted at me " what's going on?"

I wispered to myself "this guy is about to get his ass whooped."

I just mearly teleported him to another dimension.

:) Have a good day

The Park (Finished And Old) ErrorinkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ