『 Chapter 2 』

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---------------- Gulf's POV--------------------

The moment I arrived to Thailand, I was determined to forget every bad thing that happened to me during the past few months in Japan and start a new life here, of course my sadness, my anger and my heartache can't be erased easily but I just need to focus on my work and raising the twins until my sister wakes up.

We were greeted by my maternal grandparents and Mild's family, actually, it felt so nice to come back to my birth place after so many years, the air was different, the atmosphere, the people walking by, talking in our native language, it felt so great... me and the twins stayed at my grandparents place until we could properly settle down, I also have to search for a suitable kindergarten for Nin (the girl) and Nit (the boy), my grandparents are old to keep taking care of two little active children.

I also need to find a place to rent, yet after searching for a few days, I couldn't find any good place close to the hospital where my sister is at, I wanted to get my own place before starting my work that's why I asked my grandfather if he knew any good apartment around, of course he told me to keep living at his place but I wanted to be independent and he respected my decision so he promised to contact his close friend who actually owns an apartment complex close by.

I was contacted by grandfather's friend and we decided to meet the next day by lunch and he told me that we will be meeting two other people to talk about his project, honestly, I was thinking of joining some company or a team when I arrive but since my grandfather already arranged this for me I couldn't miss this opportunity to start my first project in Thailand; Once I arrived, I found the old man waiting in the restaurant along with another woman

"hello Mister Chen"

"hello Gulf, you're right on time, come on take a sit" I said facing them, he was smiling and looked like a friendly cheerful person

"let me introduce both of you, this is Gulf Kanawut, my best friend's grandson, he is an amazing interior designer and vey recognized in Japan for his wonderful work, this is Lamai, she is my granddaughter, she will be helping you in contacting all the places you will need to get all furniture and accessories and all other details, she is also training to become an interior designer just like you so she can also help you while preparing your designs" I bowed a little smiling

"pleasure to meet you miss Lamai"

"you don't need to be formal with me, besides I'm younger, let's get along and please take care of me" she smiled cutely and shyly

"please take care of me too, I've been living abroad for the past 16 years so I'm sure many things has changed"

"that's right, many things changed and as an old man I find it hard to keep up with youngsters these days"

"don't say that, you are not that old and you can still enjoy many things"

"then should we go to the club later?"

"why not? No matter how old we are we should have fun from time to time" the old man started laughing along with his granddaughter, at that moment a man approached our table, he looked a little taller than me, he is very handsome, has a well-build body and flawless skin but what caught my attention is that he was wearing long sleeves and gloves even though it's a very warm day today, there was also a strange aura that looked that it was telling me not to touch him, our eyes met for a moment then he sat beside me after greeting the project owner

"Lamai, Gulf, this is Mew Suppasit, he is the famous architect here in Thai, he led many projects and his work is flawless and so fascinating, Mew, this is Gulf Kanawut, an amazing Interior Designer who studied in Japan and this is Lamai, she is training to become an interior designer and will be helping you, you can also contact her to contact me if you even needed anything in case you couldn't reach me directly"

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