Act II Chapter I

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My life in prison – Day 1

It is only my first day here and I feel as if I have been dragging myself through mud. I woke up at 4:45 barely recovered from a fever. I tried to get it away by drinking: Three coffees a Redbull a cola and three beers. Then the police escorted me to the bus. There were two busses loaded with people driving us to our prison were we would be staying for a long long time, it was there that I got my last glimpse of everyday life while looking outside from that window.

When we got out of the bus I could see the first glimpe of the two huge block buildings. Surrounded by tall fences and barbed wires. I could see the inmates walking on the courtyard behind bars, I could hear them yelling at a fight that had broken out. Some of the other new arrivers were scared and I tried to calm some of them down. Once inside we had to shower and exchanges our clothes for bright orange prisoner suits and hand in our belongings.

Before we got to our cells we got a speech from the owner of the prison, about what we could expect: It wasn't too good. Let's hope it isn't as bad as he says. Anyway we were allowed to make one more phone call home, but I didn't know anyone to call, so I just called for a pizza as a final joke. No idea if they actually came to deliver it. It appears I'll be sharing my cell with Daven. Yes that guy, what are the chances, so he's probably going to be happy to have at least someone that he knows in this prison. However he might not like me since I am the one that arrested him and his girlfriend. There is also this other roommate called Gregor, meaning mountain. I don't know yet what he is in prison for, but he seems like a good guy.

Between criminals – Day 1

This is probably the most difficult letter I ever had to write to you.

Today is the day that my life changed forever. Today I got locked up with the people that I despise the most. I took the blame for something I didn't do, I did it for someone I loved. But it is a heavy price to pay. When we arrived in the prison we got a speech from the owner of the prison, they are going to treat us like animals. I am scared, during the speech when one of the criminals opened his mounth to ask a question, one of the guards started to hit him really hard with a bat. I hope I come out of here without any fysical damage, but I am as afraid for the mental damage that could be done to me. I could make one phone call before I would be locked up behind bars between other criminals, and I tried to call you Kathy, but you wouldn't pick up. I hope you and I will meet again soon, of all the people that are going to visit me I hope to see you the most. And when this whole thing is over, this shitshow, I hope we are still going to see eachother, so I can finally get to know you better.

"Forward you, in your cell!" Commanded the guard, shoving Hull into a small room.

Hull turned around, wanting to lash out to the guard, but managed to handle himself. He was hesitant to get into more trouble than he already was.

"And you boy!" Daven entered the cell all dressed in prison clothing.

The door slammed behind them. The sound that has a special significance, the sound that freedom is over.

"Looks like they put us together" Hull said.

Daven said nothing and walked towards the triple bunk bed. There was already someone laying on the highest of the three beds. A big, muscular man, with middle long brown hair and a ring beard. He had a golden earring in one of his ears.

"So you two already know eachother?" Without waiting for a reply he jumped out of the bunkbed and landed on his feet. "Then let me introduce myself, they call me Gregor" Gregor held out his hand, but Daven walked right past him and lied down on the bunkbed that was closest to the floor. "That's no way to treat your roomie" said Gregor. "It's your first day in prison mate, you better learn a bit of prison courtesy". "Forgive him" said Hull and shook his hand "my name is Hull"

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