Act I - Chapter I

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Cold Case

A story by SKEnherjar

Cold Case

noun [ C ]

/ˌkəʊld ˈkeɪs/

an unsolved criminal investigation which remains open pending the discovery of new evidence.

"the cold cases that have never been solved"

Dinner to die for, one cannot say the words Mirror Maru without saying: O wow that is delicious. A restaurant with excellence, reputation, and since last winter also the proud owner of two Michelin stars. You can choose between a three course dinner of the catch of the day, meat, or vegetarian. Prepared by our head-chef (on the picture) with fresh ingredients every day. We invite you to come dine at Mirror Maru and give you and your mouth an experience to remember.

'- For me the Mussel chowder please' said a boy called Daven

Again Daven went for Mussel chowder. One can bet with safety there was no customer in the entire restaurant that liked this dish, but to satisfy a regular, the head-chef wouldn't even think of taking it off the menu. 'Mussel chowder, good choice, and for the lady?'

'-I think I go for the ... Beef salad ... No wait, I had that last time... what do you recommend me?'

'Well, the Halibut is our fresh catch of the day, that one I can recommend'

'-I think, I think I'll have the fish 'n chips please'. The waiter nodded

It was a cozy place, Mirror Maru, nicely decorated, and always completely packed with visitors, even during the weekdays. The grand main hall filled with many sounds of conversation, and music playing softly in the background. It did have a rather interesting design. There were mirrors hanging everywhere, on the walls, and every table had a little mirror on top. The few pieces of glass that weren't reflecting were the windows. It was cold outside, a beautiful winter, snow flakes were falling from the sky. But inside the building it was warm, and the people cheery.

'- said the girl who sat across off him.

'-Yes I like this a lot too, I used to come here a lot with my friends and family... and actually often on my own'

'-Really?' She smiled 'me too'

Katherine was her name, an unusual name, even in the area where they lived. But everyone called her Cathy. And she was his date. And to give an idea, she was one of the most gorgeous girls in school. She had everything Daven liked in a woman:

Extremely tall, long wavy hair, what most would describe as 'model material'. Daven himself also had long wavy hair as a boy, but he wasn't like a Brad Pitt who could pull it off. He was like a 6 out of 10, about as high as his high school grades were.

'-So, when thinking of our future, I mean year with studying and everything, have you already got an idea what you would like to do?' Cathy asked

'That's a really good one, to be honest I don't completely know yet, but I want something like, that gives back to society'

'-hmmh yes' Cathy mumbled while sipping her Bloody Mary, actually chugging it would be a better term. 'But I meant more like a study, I mean you aren't going to take a job straight out of high school right? A job that you take straight out of high school will pay minimum wage at best, and then you're lucky'

'Then I guess I'll just work my way up, like Drake did' Daven said

He went on 'But if we talk studies. If you really want to know, I would like to study something like law for example, to be working as a lawyer or a judge.' Cathy took another sip 'It runs a bit in the family too. My uncle is working for the police and he is taking many bad people off the streets right, And he's doing the right thing you know. But it's hella dangerous'

'-hmmh yes'

'One time he even had to confront someone that had a gun, but it wasn't like you often see in the movies where...'

'-I have to go to the bathroom, sorry it's very interesting, but I have to go real quick' Cathy pushed her chair back on the wooden floor.

After dinner was served, Cathy came back with her make-up renewed. And as the night progressed, and the more cocktails were being served the more greased up the conversations went. Finally their plates were empty. 'Let's go' Cathy took Daven by the hand and escorted him outside. She pushed open the door and a blow of cold air went into their faces.

'Wait, hold up, can't go outside yet we still have to pay' Daven said in a high pitched voice

'No, no, c'mon relax, I've already payed' Cathy grinned 'and besides, I don't really need to pay every time if that makes sense?'

'-Yeah no it doesn't really, but besides, let's just go back to the table and I'll pay real quick' Daven turned around to go back inside but Cathy grabbed his hand

'No listen, seriously Daven, don't go back inside' she smiled

'Why, what's the matter'

'Well... ok, I got a little something for us, a small present, here look' she opened her bag, in it a huge bottle of liqueur 'Now we can continue the night' she laughed.

'-How did you get that?'

'From inside' Cathy rolls her eyes 'duh, but no one saw it, it's all good' she looks Daven in the eyes.

'c'mon we weren't going to call it a night were we, they've got plenty of this stuff, do you really think they are going to care if they miss one single bottle?'

'-Ok, but still...'

She moved close to Daven 'Look forget about the restaurant, what is the plan for to-night? You must have something in mind, you are the one that asked me out remember?'

'- I know a place where we can go'

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