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Start from the beginning

You silently giggle at what Soonyoung tells you and you take their orders.

Y/N: ..and what would you like Mr. Wonwoo?

Wonwoo: Just get me a water. And don't be slow.

You look at him and he's glaring at you. It's like his eyes are piercing your soul and you either liked it or hated it, but you didn't give it much thought, because you acted too quickly.

Y/N: I-I beg your pardon?

Wonwoo: Did you not hear what I said? Get. Me. A. Water.

Jihoon: Bro... shut up. *looks at you* Don't mind him. He's just being a bitch.

Y/N: ... Alright then. Coming right up guys.

You let out the biggest and quietest sigh as you prepare their food and drinks. After about 30 minutes, you bring them their orders and they look happy, except for Wonwoo and you didn't even bother at that point. You go back behind the counter and play on your Nintendo switch. As you're playing, you're watching the four guys play games and enjoy their time. You think to yourself how cute they are, but for some reason, your eyes are back to Wonwoo and you softly smiled. You can't help but look at how his nose scrunches when he laughs, or when his eyes start to sparkle when he's listening to the others talk. You looked at how toned his muscles were through his shirt, the way his hair was parted and flowed on his face, his glasses and the way he looked so smart and sophisticated. You admired him, which was ironic because he gave you such a hard attitude. Your soft smile turned into a harsh glare after you thought about what happened about an hour ago. You wanted your eyes to bury into his soul, you wanted him to feel what you felt. It's like you wanted him to feel uncomfortable in your presence, as he made you feel.

Wonwoo: *scoffs* Hey you. What the hell are you staring at?

Y/N: I-I... uh-

Wonwoo: Doesn't matter. Just get me another water.

Y/N: *walks over to him* I have a name you know.

Wonwoo: Does it look like I care? *gets up and walks to you*

Y/N: *scoffs* Well you should because I'M the one serving you and I'M the one taking care of your needs. So... be respectful.

Wonwoo: I can call you whatever the hell I want because I don't care about your service. Get me what I asked for.

Y/N: You-

Wonwoo: Now.

By that point, you both were inches apart. You could feel him breathing down your neck, and it sent shivers down your spine and it made you quite flustered. You went and refilled his glass of water and brought it to him as politely as you could. You certainly didn't want to lose your job over someone as awful as him, so you put up with it for the night. Before you could go back to the counter, someone called you.

Soonyoung: Hey wait!!

Y/N: *you turn to face a pleading Soonyoung* Yes?

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