"I was just thinking that, who can be that person?" Gumuştekin thought.

"We will see very soon Gumuştekin Bey. If that person is so important and such close to our Sultan then that person's security is our responsibility."

"Hayme sister is right, We will welcome that Sultan's person and make sure that person is safe and comfortable in the tribe."

Everyone's eyes were still on Gumuştekin who looked still really confused. "I'm just thinking who is this loyal to Sultan Kiliç Arsalan, I spent my whole life in castle around him but after Sultan Alladein passed away he never really trusted anyone. After whatever that dog Sadaettin Kopek did to our late Sultan, Sultan Kiliç Arsalan got really conscious of his surroundings and changed the system fully but in a good way."

As Gumuştekin mentioned Sultan Allaedin, the past went through Ertugrul eyes as he excused from everyone and went to his tent.

Everyone knew why he left but the thing that needed more concentration was Sultan's message about whom everyone seemed to be really happy.

Ertugrul Tent

Ertugrul entered his tent and sat on his bed while thoughts about Halime surrounded him.

You were going and I was helpless. It's been years since I haven't seen you. I don't know how I'm surviving.... maybe on a hope that one day you will come back to me. I don't know why I have this feeling in my heart from the day you left me. This feeling hurts me but all I know is Allah will unite us if not in this world then maybe in next world.

I knew you were helpless but I was here to support you but I got really late Halime. All I knew was that I don't want you to go away from me. Your father passed away, our Sultan, from the traitor you warned him actually got till his throat. I know how hurtful it would be for you to go through this pain of losing your father, for the man you did so much, you sacrificed alot. I wish I would have been there to console you, to tell you I'm here with you, to wipe your tears, to take your hand and tell you to come with me.

You came in my life for a few days but you changed me. Halime! My heart only belongs to you. I know you might not come back but I will still wait. My life is a dry desert without you. The prayers you gave me are still with me and this too, this always remind me to stay strong and steadfast. I love you Halime.

He played with the knot of thread hanging with his sword that Halime gave him.

Selcan entered. Ertugrul sensed the arrival and her presence in the tent pretty quickly and passed her a smile. Selcan came and sat beside him, Ertugrul continued to play with the knot.

The years have also changed Selcan and grew her closer to Ertugrul.

"Can we talk?" She asked and he smiled.

"How can I say 'no' to the topic we are going to talk about sister? It's my favorite topic to talk and think about."

Selcan passed him a weak smile. "You still think that she will come back someday? To you, to this tribe? You still miss her."

Ertugrul smiled again but this time it wasn't forced, of course he miss her everyday, every moment.

"Yes sister, I wonder where she would be, what and how she would be doing witb everything, her family.... that palace, surroundings."

Selcan took a hold of the knot hanging with his sword. She didn't looked at him because the words that were about to come out of he mouth going to be hard and she didn't wanted to see Ertugrul hurt. "You really love her till now even though it's been two years. You know you are son of Suleyman Şah and you are hope and bey of tribe too, one day you have to get married and continue your generations, right brother?"

Ertugrul nodded his head and stayed muted. Selcan's gaze travel to Ertugrul.

"Right brother? I want to listen it from you. Your words. Anne have been pushing me to talk to you about this from a while. I understand that you have feelings for someone else but....."

"I know!" Ertugrul interrupted taking a deep breath. "I know sister, but her memories never leave me, her sweet voice, her gazelle eyes, her beautiful face, her pure heart always stay with me. Sultan passed away, her father and she didn't got married till now, I don't know if that tradition between states still exist but my hope does. I know she would've fought for me. What if I decided to move on someday and then she come back and realize that I have moved on while she was waiting for me? We never kept promise between each other but I want to wait! Because I know she too would be doing this!"

Ertugrul paused and didn't realised how his voice went from soft to sad to confused to angry to loud.

Selcan swallowed, totally bothered by Ertugrul's voice swings so she tried by going a little soft this time. "Hmmm.... so who knows maybe she would be thinking about you at this time? Like how are you? Where are you? She would be blank as she don't even know that you are still unmarried, still keeping the love you have for her and hopes in your heart that she might come back."

"She knows, Selcan sister, I know that she knows. Even she at that time told me to move on in life, she told me to find a wife and forget her but I know that it wasn't words of her heart. Her heart wanted me to wait for her. Halime isn't weak, I know she would've fought for me infront of her family. The last time we looked into each other eyes, I saw her eyes screaming how much she loves me and that she will wait for me, I do got late to confess everything but she is waiting for me and as long as I won't talk to her by myself and she tells me to move on I won't take a step forward in my life."

Ertugrul stood up and paced back and forth in his tent meaning to calm down a bit. Selcan remained seated at the side of bed. She exhaled a deep breathe and this time she went with the elder sister tone of him not Gokçe which she was two years back.

"You are stubborn Ertugrul! The thought of Halime being with someone else hurts you alot and I can see that in your eyes."

Ertugrul stared at her in confusion and the gave a small nod. "Only Allah knows if we will reunite in this world or not and if not then I will spend my whole life keeping her love in my heart."

"But what if Allah give you one chance and get her back in your life but just for some time, what will you do?" She blurted out even though she thought to give him no hopes, the question came out of her mouth itself and she regretted it for a full moment before she saw the shine that Ertugrul's eyes held.

He was looking at her. The question had power. Selcan continued in means of explaining her question.

"You know only Allah can help you in this. Ask for Halime in your prayers. Maybe your prayers will work. Each one of us can see the fire of love in your heart for Halime, if we humans are able to see this then he is Allah, he knows everything, about everyone's heart. She will come back only if Allah persists. Allah won't test you with your love more."

Ertugrul kept nodding his head as he swallowed what Selcan said. He always and always asked for her in his prayers and everytime he made a prayer about her, he was used to get a hope, a light but nothing more happened. It just gave him a relief for a few days.

"If this will happen and if she will come back, I will fight from each and every person for her. I will make her mine. I will hold her hand and run away with her. If anyone tried to stop us I will do everything needed to get that obstacle out of our path. The fire of love in my heart is still the same, actually it have grown more. My heart only scream her name. Now my last hope is that Allah will reunite us." Ertugrul stood straight and confident now as he got a new poser, a new mission.

"InshAllah brother! But you know, her life is attached with that palace and your life with this tribe. Her life is attached with her brother too who is Sultan now. You said these things and promises to her years ago too now it's time for an action and solution."

"I know this Selcan sister but once she will come back, I will hold her hands tightly and we both will get through everything.... together."


Time gap in stories are my fav thing.

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