He begins to sing the next part. "'And my life
My life would be real low, zero
Flying Solo'

"'Oh-oh'" Reggie adds.

"It's a killer melody."

Julie looks to me for help, but I just shrug. It was pretty good. She sighs. "I wrote that about Flynn and Mya when they were helping me with all my mom stuff."

"Aww, Jules." I put my hand over my heart, touched that she wrote a song about us.

"I gotta go." Julie turned back for the door.

"Hey, what about the band?" Luke asks, still on top of the piano stool.

"Oh... I almost forgot." She turned to face look as she headed out the studio doors. "Stay out of my room!" She then closed the doors.

Luke ran to the doors and stuck his head through one. "Yeah? We will if you join our band!"

I groan and grab his shirt. "Get back in here." I pull him back through the door. I sigh and ran my hand through my curls. "Julie would kill me if she heard me say this, but that is a killer melody." I smiled at the two.

"See?" Luke gave me a bright smile. "Now we just got to get Julie to sing it."

"In the meantime, I know the perfect way to make the song better." I go up to the loft. I look for a specific item till I found it and brought it back down to the boys.

I go stand at the piano, Luke and Reggie following me with interest. "What's that?" Reggie asks, his eye sparkling with curiosity. It was truly adorable.

"My beat maker machine. I totally forgot I left in in here. I saw it when I was helping Julie clean up in here and forgot I left it up there for like a year." I smile. "Now, Alex will still be the main beat, but this can help make a nice beat for the beginning."

"So, what did you have in mind?" Luke asks, leaning beside me on the piano.

I turn the machine on, their eyes widening in wonder. "Well, I was thinking about something like this." I press a few different buttons to create a steady melody, along with a nice beat.

"I like it." Luke jumps up and sits at the piano. "Then Julie comes in with the piano. Here," Luke hands me the poem. "Sing those few lines from the top. Do that beat again." I do the beat again and press the repeat button. At a certain point, Luke then comes in with the piano. "Now sing."

"If I leave you on a bad note, leave you on a sad note
Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day

"Nice, keep going." Luke smiles.

"I know all you secrets
You know all my deep dish
Guess that means that some things they never,

I smirk, deciding to take the liberty to sing my own notes.
"They never Cha-a-a-ange~

We all know what I

What I

What I mea-a-a-an~"

Luke and I smile at eachother. "I took a liberty there, I know, but I think those notes fit well."

"Definitely." Reggie smiles. "You're voice fits really well for the song, too." He then gasps and point to me. "What if you and Julie both sing it?"

I chuckle. "That's a nice thought, but this is Julie's song. Any who, lets work on it more." Luke comes back over to me and pulls out his song book. I swear, his hand writing is straight chicken scratch, but I can somehow still read it.

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