Chapter 54: The Battle of Wakanda

Start from the beginning

We then see some of the space dogs going around and circling the barrier.

Bruce: Cap, Scarlet, if those things circle the perimeter and get in behind us there's nothing between them and Vision.

Steve: Then we've gotta keep them infront of us.

Okoye: How do we do that?

T'challa and I look at each other.

Y/N: We open up the barrier. If we do that those things will stay infront of us and that will buy Shuri more time to get that stone outta Vis' head.

T'challa: Y/N is right.

T'challa call for the barrier to be opened on his signal.

M'Baku: This will be the end of Wakanda.

Okoye: Then it will be the noblest ending in history.

After calling his people to lower their shields T'challa walks up infront and calls out.


He then activates his claws and helmet.

We then charge into the battle, as we get closer the barrier opens up and the spaces dogs start spilling in.

Steve, T'challa and I run ahead leading the other's into battle and once we are close enough the three of us jump into the fight and start taking the aliens down.

Third person prospective

As the Avengers and Wakandan's are fighting the aliens everyone is giving it their all. Y/N is using his webs, super strength and venom blasts to take down some of the space dogs grouped up.

T'challa is using his kinetic energy to its full advantage as waves of purple energy can be seen on the battlefield.

Bucky and Frank are fighting back to back firing their guns.

Steve, Natasha, Luke and Jessica are beating down anything that isn't friendly with their pure strength alone.

Pietro can be seen running across the battlefield taking down anything that comes his way.

Y/N's P.O.V

I'm currently fighting back to back with T'challa. We've been fighting for awhile now and everyone here is on their last legs. We're all getting knocked down and dragged to the ground by these space dogs.

Just as we think its all over I manage to look up and see a bright multi coloured light and I knew it was the byfrost that I'd see Thor use a few years back when he left.

Then out of nowhere something comes out of it and starts cutting up the space dogs.

When the light disappears I see Thor with a new look and hammer or I guess axe now, along with him is a racoon and a human-like tree.

Thor: Bring me Thanos!!

The Three of them charge in and start taking down the aliens.

This gives all of us are second wind and we get back up and start fighting again.

(Twenty minutes later)

After fighting for another twenty minutes or so Thor and I come face to face after three years, I then take off my mask.

Y/N: New haircut?

Thor: I notice you've started copying my beard.

I nod as he was referring to the small stubble I had around the lower part of my face.

Y/N: Yeah, I haven't had time to shave recently.

Steve then comes over and greets Thor.

Thor: Oh, this is a friend of mine, he's a tree.

Steve and I look over at the tree.

???: I am Groot.

Steve: I am Steve Rogers.

Wanda's P.O.V

As I'm standing here watching over Vis I go over to the window and see what's happening on the battlefield.

The whole time I've been up here all I can feel is Y/N. I feel his pain, his injuries and his hope for this battle to be over soon.

Feeling this makes me remember that all he wanted was for us to be together somewhere away from all of this, and that's all I want too.

I then decide that I need to be down there with my friends or more accurately my family.

Y/N's P.O.V

After a few more minutes we see these spinning blades come out of the ground.

I see them heading towards mum and Okoye, before then can hit them I see Wanda land infront of them and pick the blades up and throw them to the ground disabling them.

I smile at this.

Y/N: That's my girl.

Sam then comes over then comms.

Sam: Hey guys, we've got a Vision situation.

Steve: Someone get to Vision!

Bruce: I'm on it.

Y/N: Me too.

Wanda: On my way.

I start running towards Vis' location, which isn't too hard due to the connection he shares with both Wanda and I.

Bruce's P.O.V

I land down in the Hulkbuster armour infront of the big alien from New York and a smaller one.

Bruce: Oh no, no you don't. This ain't gonna be like New York pal. This suit's already kicked the shit outta the Hulk.

Thr big guy grabs me and I take off with him with me and we land near a lake.

Y/N's P.O.V

As I'm running to Vision's location I hear Bruce come over the comms.

Bruce: Guys, Vision needs backup now!

Y/N: I'm on it Bruce!

As I continue running I see Vision get stabbed by the same alien that tried to kill Vis, Wanda and I in Scotland.

I run over and tackle him to the ground and I bounce back up and turn to Vision.

Y/N: Vis! Get outta here.

I turn and land two right hooks on him and then turn to Vis again.

Y/N: Go!

After fighting him for a few minutes he starts to get the best of me. I manage to knock the staff out of his hands.

He then grabs me by the throat pulls my mask off and throws me to the ground.

As he's over me and about to chock me to death he gets stabbed in the back. I look up to see Vis standing there with the staff.

Vision then nearly falls but I stand up and catch him.

Y/N: I thought I told you to go.

Vision: We don't trade lives Y/N.

I smile and nod to him.

I then turn to see Steve, dad, mum, Pietro, Rhodey, T'challa, Okoye, Sam, Frank, Bruce and the Defender's show up on the scene.

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