* .06*

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WARNING! Mentions of rape and miscarriage!!!!

"I'll go first." Peyton told the team she's go first in the suicide mission basically.

Her best friend looked at her crazy "Peyton are you nuts? Look at those men, you're half their size."

"When has that ever stopped me? I'm not asking for permission. I'm going." The look in her eyes, it was that thousand year stare. The reckless look. Ignoring all the voices in her ear piece, she went in the building full of the enemy.

She got her ass kicked, even took a knife wound to the stomach, but doesn't matter she still won.

Minks ran to her teammates side as she saw Peytons condition, catching her before she hit the ground, she put pressure on her stab wound "Jesus Peyton, are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"Y-yeah. Maybe." She whispered before blacking out.

Waking up in medical, Minks and Cameron were at her side to greet her. "Hey there she is, crazy ass mother fucker." He nudged her arm as Minks gave her friend a squeeze. They were her closest friends on the team, her and Cameron have known each other since they were kids. They met minks in basic training and have been closer to each other than they others. But truthfully, the whole team was her family except Angel Miller, he was your topical big head, cocky, misogynistic, perverted, asshole, and disgusting excuse of a man.

"How do you feel?" Minks asked as Peyton sat up hissing at the throbbing pain at her stomach.

Giving a sarcastic thumbs up, the doctor walked in with a clipboard in his hands "Ah Miss Bennett I see you're awake; you are pretty banged up, I do have bad news though." The doctor going serious and sympathetic "You were pregnant, but I'm afraid your knife wound pierced through to the baby. I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you doctor." Giving them their own time, he shut the door behind him, and she leaned her head back letting out gasps of both sadness and major relief.

Minks and Cameron look at one another as it clicked for Cameron "You let them stab you because the baby wasn't Patrick's, it was Miller's." Squeezing their hands hard, she nodded as she squeezed her eyes shut. It wasn't right, regardless what Miller did to her. She shouldn't have basically gone in suicidal style so someone else kill that sickos baby, she just couldn't do it. Miller created so much trauma, she barely was holding on right now.

She only wanted Patrick to hold her, tell her it be alright and that he forgive her. But what is there to forgive if he doesn't know about anything happening here?

She was going to hell.


As the weeks passed, Patrick continued to have the best year and record for any rookies first year in the league. I guess you could say it's in his blood to succeed and be destined for greatness. As for Peyton, she wasn't PTSD free, however, she was coping WAY better than before.

Nightmares weren't as bad, going to Patrick's footballs and dealing with the fireworks were much easier, and any loud sounds just make her jump slightly.


All it took was one day. One day to send her back to square one.

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