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The brown haired held the letter in his hands, reading the way the person who wrote these words poured their heart out. To a point, he could even hear a sweet melody in his ears as his cheeks felt the warmth of the tiny hearts drawn on the letter.

He knew at some point in his life, he'd have to experience this moment and live it with a happy smile as whoever his special someone gets the chance to lay on his chest. They would be looking at the sky and enjoy a quiet moment together before both laugh like two silly romantic partners.

And maybe this is it, this is his chance to have it. He had heard before about people having crushes on him, but he never really met them to the point that he was willing to accept their confessions. But this time, at least he knew the person at some point.

"So...what do you think?'' The girl asked, putting her dyed blonde hair out of the way of her hair just in case when her heart was probably about to burst out of her chest. When any sort of answer took a little too much for her, she started to worry even worse. "Seo-Seonghwa...you don't have to answer right now'' She awkwardly chuckled. "I was just-...''

"I can consider it''


"I want to get to know you more first...'' The brown haired said, slowly lifting his eyes off of the decorated piece of paper. "Siyeon noona...I accept your feelings''

The girl felt her cheeks burn in crimson as the taller boy got closer, his eyes locked to hers in a gaze you could only see in a movie with professional actors as his hand traveled to her waist, pulling the breathless girl closer to him. Their faces got so close their lips could almost brush each other as his eyes focused on her mouth, that's when she thanked herself for having put her hair behind her ears, although he only smiled and left a kiss on her forehead before leaving space between them again, as if his whole flirty and confident aura left in a second.

"Hope we can grow our relationship, noo-...'' He was about to bow, smiling shyly with his cheeks getting red.

"Call me by my name...we can drop the honorifics'' She almost whispered, still processing what her poor heart experienced a couple of seconds ago.

"Alright then, Siyeonnie...I'll see you later'' The boy bowed, leaving the girl on her at the back of her school as the sun hid for the day.

Once she was left alone, she could only brush her lips with her fingers, realizing nothing would surpass Seonghwa's lips teasing hers as if there was a fire inside whatever they just agreed to have.


The sky was dark as usual, cold as the trees were lacking their leaves and the outside seemed terrifying at these hours of the night. It was almost 3 am when a call interrupted his deep sleep, the phone vibrated loudly which gave him no other choice but to pick it up.

Usually, he would keep it silent, but after he got scolded by someone from the band for never answering their messages, he decided to keep his phone with the sound on while around them. He might've forgotten tonight to turn it off, so when he picked up the loud device to hang up the call, his eyes opened enough to see the name displayed on the screen.

He doubted it for a second, not really sure of what to do as his feelings were still conflicted.

"Hello?'' He asked in a deep voice.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know wh-who to ca-call, I-I...I just woke up and he was in the house, I couldn't see him, bu-but...'' The boy cried, his breathing got harsher the more he talked. "I have no idea if my parents are home and-...''

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