She shimmied down and poked the left side of his 'butt'. Why is she so okay with this man!

He let her go. 'No you did not'
'I believe I just did'

From what I could see I think he winked at her?

'I believe payback is in order' he said with a smirk on his face

'Oh really? And what might pay back be' she smirked back.

I'm trying to getting a proper look at her but I can't but I can already tell there's something wrong with her eyes. They are basically black her pupils are diluted that much. She must be drugged. Brainwashed! Gamora said that.

'Well this' he said picking her up and leaning her up against the pillar opposite the one we were hiding behind.

'Picking me up?' She questioned with her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him.

'No, this' he said then leaning in and kiss her.


I went to make a run at him when Thor's bulky hands grabbed my shoulders.

'Observe!' He whispered 'she's not in the right head space brother'

I looked at Tony furiously and he had the same look only not at me but at that man.


We all froze. We know that voice.

The man holding her immediately stops and lets her down

'He sounds angry' she whispered with wide eyes

'ALICE WHERE ARE YOU' he roared again

'Um I'm right here. In the hall' she called back.

He came around the corner looking as thought he was ready to kill.

'What are you doing here!'

'Um. Am I not allowed here?'

'I told you that you were to rest today after your mission yesterday!'


She looked down at her shoes 'I'm sorry, father'

Wait what.

I looked at Tony bug eyed and his mouth was hung open and his eyes were bulging out of his face

Thanos sighed. 'It's okay my child. I have someone I want you see anyways' He then looked at who I'm guessing is WS 'you are dismissed solider'

He left.

Why are they so obedient?

'Come sit down with me' he said guiding her to the bench that was behind them.

'Who did you want me to meet?'

'You can come out now' he called and who else but the escapee of Asgard arrived.


He walked over and stood directly in front of her. Clearly she didn't notice him.

'Pleasure to meet you miss Alice' he said picking up her hand and kissing it

She looked at thanos and he nodded.
I'm so confused? What is happening to her.

'It's nice to meet you too, sir' she spoke in a small voice.

'Alice do you know why I have him here?' Thanos spoke to her as if she was a child.


'You two are to form an alliance, an alliance through earth and vanaheim' he spoke with so much joy in his voice that it was clear he was faking it.

Thor grabbed me and whispered in my ear
'That slick bastard. That must have been planned. He said to me one night that an alliance with vanaheim and midgard would be useful for him'

I clenched my fists. That explains why he always lingered near us. Why he watched us constantly.

'Um. How?' She asked

'I'm glad you've asked Alice' Adrian spoke taking her hand and pulling her up to standing position. 'We are to be married' he smiled greatly at her

Her brows immediately frowned and turned to look at thanos who has his smug smile on his face.

'Father this can't be fair. I'm too young for marriage. I'm- I'm... wait I can't remember how old I am...' she spoke slowly at the end

'Don't be silly' thanos laughed 'you can marry at any age'

'I don't know this man'

'That's why I'm giving you two weeks to get to know each other before the wedding'

Her eyes widened even more and her mouth open

'Two weeks?'

'Don't be so shocked my darling' Adrian said putting a finger to her cheek to turn her head to face him.

'We will get along just fine' he said cupping her face. 'If you behave well and follow the orders given to you' he said then with a darker voice.

He's going to die at my hands. Begging for mercy.

'Orders?' She questioned

'Like this' he said letting go of her.

'Hug me' he ordered opening his arms to allow her in.

She looked terrified.


'Do not make me ask again my dear'

She turned her head and looked at thanos who only raised his eyebrows to her. Almost as if it was a warning.

She hesitantly shifted toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms went around her waist and squeezed her in tight. She was so stiff. I've never seen her like that before.

Not even when what happened in new York happend. She was never that stiff with me, now that I think about it she was never stiff with me ever. She only had an attitude, which she still carries to this day. Well. Apparently not to them.

I turned and looked at Tony who was still looking at the scene

'we need to get her out of here. We can't let them treat her like that' Peter whispered

I looked at him. He had water in his eyes. He looked scared.

'JARVIS did you video all that' Tony whispered to his suit. I'm assuming it said yes when he nodded and then looked at me.

'We get her out of here today' he spoke.

I nodded and looked back the scene before me.

'Go now to your new room. I had it specially made for you both' thanos spoke while standing up

'Father I-'

'No. Go now'

She let her head hangs low looking at her shoes.

'Come along, I can think of some things we can do to get to know each other better' he said wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her along the hall in the opposite direction of thanos.

After a moment we were along in the hall. It's safe to say we were all shocked by what we just saw.

'What do we do' rocket said breaking the silence.

'Guys did you hear all that?' Thor spoke into comms and was answered with a number of yes, yeahs and uh huhs.

'I can't let her be alone with him' I said

'They will see you' Thor said

'I can cast an illusion to make us invisible and they won't hear us either.'

'Then what are we waiting for do the illusion' Tony said eagerly

I focused on all 5 of us and after a moment the illusion was set.

'Let's go'

You will be mine. An avenger + Loki fan fic Where stories live. Discover now