Mini Epilogue (Everyone else)

Start from the beginning

"Nothing important. Can we go home now?" I asked, Kuroo nodding as he walked with me out the doors. While we walked, I kept my head down in thought. What ever did happen to Sakusa and Atsumu??

Atsumu's POV

"How're you doing baby...?" I asked quietly, Sakusa just giving me a quiet groan in pain. His face was still so fucked up from what happened... It hasn't been that long, but I had hoped he would have healed quicker. 

I still don't understand why those people came and saved us, but I'm grateful that they did. Sakusa was half beaten to death... and I knew I'd be next. After making sure my husband was as comfortable as he could be, I got up slowly and grabbed the phone I had found in that car given to us. 

Not too long after I had gotten Sakusa somewhere safer and in a bed to rest, I messaged my brother a thousand times to see if those two had killed him. It scared me to think they did.. I mean, we annoy the hell out of each other, but, we are blood. I sighed quietly and read through our messages.

Osamu: What the fuck happened Atsumu. What did you do that I had to get involved in?

Me: I never meant for this to happen


Me: You know I told you about Kuroo?

Osamu: Yeah, that's why you guys were leaving

Me: He had a chance to find us before we could go. He almost killed Sakusa

Osamu: He did?

Me: Almost. He had sent some people to do it for him. But Sakusa almost died from beating

Osamu: How is he doing now..?

Me: I'm still worried. But he's been resting constantly and none of his cuts are infected. He's just bruised down to the skull

Osamu: Well.. keep me updated. Fucking hell Atsumu, do you realize what you've been doing for years has led to all this?

Me: I know. 

Osamu: Do you plan on continuing after you guys move?

Me: No. Sakusa and I need to move past our work and focus on each other and having a family

Osamu: Well, good to know I no longer have to be knowing how you make your money. I'm still mad at you for doing such a thing for years

Me: I know, I'm sorry

Osamu: well, I hope you keep your word. Anyway, my head is still pounding and my boyfriend is over to help me. So I'm going to rest

Me: When did you get a boyfriend?

Osamu: After I called an ambulance because I had the worst concussion of my life. IN A CLOSET.

Me: I GET IT YOU WERE IN A CLOSET. But hey, you're out now huh?

Osamu: I hate you

Me: I love you too. What's this guy's name anyway

Osamu: His name is Suna

Me: You gonna tell him you have a twin?

Osamu: Only if you keep your word and stop your little "business"

Me: I will

Osamu: Then maybe. Let me know how Sakusa is doing later

I sighed and turned the phone off. Osamu was angry at me for running those auctions. He never approved, but he said he never would turn me in because we were family. Hopefully he and I can make up now that Sakusa and I will be moving past all this.

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