CH. 22|The Family Grows and Origin of Hikari's Hate

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"Who is this? Did you find another Peerage member?" Ravel asked looking at Raven.

"She is my first pawn. She may even be able to rival you, Ravel. Well, after she gets trained up." I told her.

Ravel looked over Raven seeming to look for something and I noticed her eyes faintly glowed a crimson color. What did she do?

"She has a strong magical presence. It is strange though almost like she has hundreds of people connected," she said confused.

"How can you tell?" I asked her.

"Ever since I became a Phoenix I've been able to... sense and see more. I can see her aura and it has several colors combined. That is something I've only ever seen on two others. Even though I haven't used it on a lot of people." Ravel explained.

"Who are the others?" I asked curiously.

"You and Ruby," she answered making me stop.

"What colors do you see?" I asked her having a guess.

"Red, yellow, blue, white, and black," she told me the exact colors of the wall in my mind.

"Thank you for telling me," I told her.

"Is there a problem?" She asked concerned.

"No, not at all," I told her then turning my sight to Eri and Asia who have been oddly quiet.

"Why haven't you two said anything?" I asked. "You normally get much happier to see me Eri."

"We didn't want to be disrespectful," Asia said and Eri nodded both avoiding my gaze.

I just sighed and figured in time they would open up to me again.

"If that is what you want to go with," I said quietly but loud enough everyone heard. "Anyway, this is Raven. However, don't call her that unless it is just us."

"Why is that?" Ravel asked.

"Ozpin and I aren't on good terms," Raven said stopping me from answering.

Seeing how Raven didn't want to bring up her issues with him I interjected into the conversation.

"Anyway, I think it is about time to tell you all my plans for this world," I started.

"I have wondered what you were planning," Ravel stated. "Almost was thinking you were planning world domination. The way you act sometimes."

"No, that isn't on my mind. I just plan on... expanding the peerage and gaining power." I told them.

They all looked at me like that explained nothing. In which I just chuckled.

"I'll elaborate. First I've been planning on gaining all of the maiden powers in which there are four and we have two. In which Raven is the two." I told them and getting more confused looks from Ravel, Eri, and Asia. I sighed at forgetting they don't know anything about the maidens.

"The maidens are young girls who are very powerful in magic essentially." I summarized. "Anyways, Raven is going to become all the maiden's host. Which normally would be impossible, but I have ways around this."

"Um, do you know who the other Maidens are?" Eri asked looking scared that I would reprimand her for asking a question.

It honestly hurt me that she thought I would hurt her for asking a question.

"Eri, that is a great question. I know who both Maidens are and can get them at any time." I told her reassuring her with a smile. "One is actually in the school right now... it's Ruby."

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