Seriously, how is she so cheerful at 9 in the morning?

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I shake her hand. She smiles even bigger. I have to resist the urge to grin. I mean, aren't smiles contagious or something? At least that's what I heard.

"Follow me! I'll give you the grand tour, and if you have any questions please wait until after the tour." She says, a mad grin replacing her smile. Man, ridiculous humor, smiling, and cheerfulness all at nine in the morning? I'm lucky if I can even get one of those in a day. How she manages to be this chipper this early in the morning will remain a mystery to us all.

"Uh okay? Will you show me how to actually work here?" I ask.

"Of course! But you need to know the products you are advertising, and where they are." She points out.

"Aren't they all behind that counter, though?" I question.

"Not all." She adds.

"Oh.. well I guess let the tour begin."

"Okay! Well, this is the counter and cash register, and over here.." She says leading me into the far back of the room.

"Are the collection of plushies from all different Brawlers. We have Crow, Colt, Shelly, Leon, El Primo, Mr. P, Bruce, Tara, and my absolute favorite, SPIKE! EEE HE'S SO CUTE!" She yells, making me flinch and take a step backward. However, the tour doesn't end there. Ohoho no, I wouldn't be that lucky to get away from Ms. Crazy. I attempt to, but she grabs my hand and pulls me forward.

"EDGARRRRR the tour isn't done yet, silly! Come on, I still have lots of cool stuff to show you!" She practically screams. I am pulled along with Captain Crazy to the next rack of random items that I have to sell.

"We even sell our own cereal... and foods... well based off the Brawlers. Here is Colt Crunch, Leon's Lollipops, BibiGum, Carl Krispy's, Choco Piper Bars, Mr. P's Macaroons..." She drags on and on about the different foods named after the Brawlers. However, my living nightmare doesn't stop there. I am led over to the clothing part of this Gift Shop.

"We have shirts for EVERY Brawler, and some for their skins! Like when Halloween rolls around? They put on different costumes and act out funny skits. Same with Christmas. We even have FULL BODYSUITS, like for Light Mecha Bo, Witch Shelly, and ZomBibi, but those are only for the younger kids. Man, I wish I could still fit into them..." She trails on about the costumes, but by that point, I'm done listening. The rest of the tour concludes with her pointing out more objects based on the Brawler's and then fangirling over them for the next ten minutes. This is actually quite painful, and I'm starting to wish I had said no to the promotion. All I want to do is go home, eat chocolate and watch old My Chemical Romance concerts. That's it. Instead, I'm stuck here with some random psycho fangirl who is annoying.

"Hey, Edgar.. the tour is over." Colette finishes. I notice she seems a bit sad. Wonder why.

"Uh okay, thanks..." I respond.

"Glad I could help." She comments. I hardly know her, but something seems off.

"Hey, Colette everything good?" I ask, concern lining my voice.

"Yeah.. but you can go home now and watch the concerts instead of staying here with a crazy person.. I don't mind.." She says, distant from me.

Wait... oh good lord, I must have said that aloud. And it hurt her feelings, made her upset. I thought she was annoying but seeing her hurt makes me sad and feel guilty for what I said. I reach out to touch her arm but she pulls away and walks on, and to where I can only imagine. I decided to try to talk to her.

"Hey Colette, wait up... I didn't mean..."

But she is almost at the door, leaving me alone with my words. I couldn't feel worse.

What have I done?

Poor Colette!

Hope you all liked this chapter! I will update shortly :)

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