Guyliner is the best kind of Eyeliner

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~This story will be from Edgar's POV
The artwork is not mine!

I had no intention of going to work today. None. Nada. Zip. Nothing. I would just stay home all day, drinking energy drinks and jamming out to My Chemical Romance, while polishing my nails with another coat of black nail polish, (I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker color) and figuring out the perfect way to do my eyeliner, without me looking too girly. My perfect day of emo-ness.

Perfect till I got the call that ruined my life. I was seriously debating ignoring the call and then just putting my phone on silent for the rest of the day. Until I picked it up to see who it was. And of course, it was Corbin Peltrov, my supervisor (basically the boss of the Theme Park I worked at.) I had no other choice but to pick it up unless I wanted to lose my job. I mean, how else would I be able to buy energy drinks behind my dad's back? So I did the "sensible" thing and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I ask, trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

"Ah, Edgar Way. A pleasure to be speaking with you. First time since you were hired! Even then I had one of my associates call you!" Mr. Peltrov says, laughter in his voice. Why the heck is he so energetic at 8:00 in the morning?

"Umm... yeah. So what exactly is the point of this call? Not to be rude or anything, but I kinda need to get to work." I reply.

"Well, there you have it! The point. I called you to discuss work." Mr. Peltrov booms through the phone. My heart hammers in my chest. Called me? To discuss work?

"Work? What about work?" I ask, my voice anxiety-ridden.

"Haha, nothing bad Mr. Way. Just here to talk about an opening. In reality, a promotion."

"Promote.. me?"

"Yes! Well you see, you have been working behind the scenes with the packing and shipping of materials to places and people. And you have done such a wonderful job with that. So we decided to move you to where the magic happens, the Starr Park Gift Shop! You will be working there to fulfill guests and their needs. You will be a cashier and will promote the idea of buying items to the guests of Starr Park. You need to be a likable person, and luckily you are!" Mr. Peltrov finishes. I have a few questions. One, what? Two, I've only been working here for like, 2 months. Why me? Three, EDGAR WAY, LIKABLE?

"Wow Mr. Peltrov! I'm honored for such an opportunity. Thank you."

"Of course. And please, call me Corbin. I'm not a fan of that formal stuff." He laughs.

"Okay, Corbin. So anyway, when do I start?"



Nobody told me there was a dress code. So naturally, I walk into the place wearing my MCR shirt, black jeans, dark black combat boats, chain choker, and sapphire rhinestone belt. Nails looking chic, eyeliner to par, and hair covering my left eye. There is only one other person there (I was told this, the other employee quit, and the Gift Shop is only allowed two employees, max. No clue why.) She gives a glance in my direction before her face breaks out into a HUGE grin, and she waves. I mean, this girl doesn't even know me, and yet she seems happy to see me. Weirdness. I am about to turn in the other direction when the girl motions towards me, beckoning me to her. 

I take the bait and walk to the cash register.

"Hey! You must be the new employee, Edgar! I heard you were coming! Finally, someone else to work with! Come on closer, so we can chat!"

Nobody and I mean nobody should be this chipper at 8:45 on a Monday morning.

"Uh, hey. Nice outfit." The girl is wearing a blue shirt, sleeves darker at the end with buckles on it. She also wears a red vest, with pins of two of the characters in the theme park, Piper and Spike. Her pants are dark purple with pink stripes, and she wears dark boots. Her hair is short in the front, with long bangs and held together in a ponytail. She wears a black headband with the same buckle as on her shirt. Her hair is a light white color. Compared to me and my dark aesthetic, we look like total opposites. 

"Thanks! Love your vibe, too." She says smiling the whole time.

"So, um you new?"

"No, you silly goose! I've worked here FOREVER." She says, emphasizing the word, "forever."

"Oh. That was probably stupid of me to ask."

"No, it's fine! You are new, so it will take a second to learn all that stuff. Like, who is who, what exactly we do here, and how to act towards the customers!"

"Cool, I guess."

"It is cool! And you know what? To make things easier on you, I'll show you around and explain everything before Corbin does. That makes his and your life easier." She explains.

"Okay, sounds fine."

"It sounds better than fine, Mr. Edgar." She says, goofiness underlining her tone. I resist the urge to laugh. She seems fun, and an enjoyable person to be around. Not that I would ever admit that to her.

"Oh, but first things first! I should probably introduce myself. Silly me!"

She holds out a hand.

"Name's Colette."

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