Chapter 1

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Trigger warning: Scenes of strong language, violence, and sex. 18+

Sometimes it's hard to craft the perfect song. You can spend hours on it, agonizing over every note and trying to create poetic lyrics that tell a story and elicit an emotional response in your listeners. Sometimes inspiration hits you like a ton of bricks and the song writes itself in minutes.

Tonight, I was stuck in the former. I had one headphone in listening to music that I was struggling to put lyrics to. My boyfriend Ben was in the shower. The sound of water and his off-key singing was driving me absolutely insane.

I tossed my notebook away in frustration and pulled the headphone from my ear. I pressed the heels of my palms into my eyes trying to get rid of the headache that was starting to form when I hear the ping of a notification go off from Ben's phone.

I reached over and picked up his phone. I went to tell Ben he had a notification when I noticed the name across the screen. I unlocked his phone just as a second message popped up from the same person.

Roxi: Hey babe miss you tonight.

Roxi: I got you a little present ;)

A photo popped up of a girl dressed in the skimpiest lingerie I've ever seen. The two lace triangles over her breasts did nothing to hide her nipples was paired with a barely-there thong. She had her finger in her mouth, lightly biting the tip. There was no way the picture could be innocent.

I was already fuming when I decided to scroll up in the conversation. I wanted to see exactly what he was saying to this girl and how long it had been going on. What I saw made my blood run cold.

Ben: I can't wait until Rebecca finally releases her album. With all the money we make I'm going to take you to Paris.

So not only had Ben been cheating on me, but he's planning on taking my money and running off to Paris with someone else?! I quickly screenshotted the text and went to send it to myself when I saw all these other women texting him. I flipped through the conversations seeing how he was sending the same things to all these other women! I sent myself a bunch of screenshots before deleting all the evidence off his phone.

I placed the phone on the bedside table where I found it. I grabbed my things scattered around the room. The few things I kept at his place were thrown into my bag. There was no way he was going to get away with this. No one fucks with Rebecca Daniels and gets away with it.

He's going to wish he never met me.

"Hey babe!" I called from the bathroom door, "Just got a call from Mel. We got some extra studio time, but I need to head down there now if I want it."

I heard the shower turn off and the padding of his feet across the floor as he opened the door with a towel around his waist. He was attractive with a kind smile I had once loved. Now I saw him for what he was, a wolf in sheep's clothing. "Seriously? Mel called after ten for studio time?"

"Yes. If I don't take advantage of it now I can't get in there for another week."

"Right, and the guys will all be there too right?" He crossed his arms over his chest giving me a glare. It took everything in me not to roll my eyes at him.

"What? No! It's just vocals. Are you seriously insinuating that I'm leaving here to go fuck the guys?" I should have known all his jealousy was just him projecting his own issues onto me. He's fucking at least ten other women and he's worried about me? Fucking hypocrite!

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