Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

AJ looked at Cole for a moment before nodding his head once and getting into the driver’s seat of his car.

Cole copied his brother and got into his car starting it immediately and following his brother along the old road

As they pulled up at the pack house, they noticed a man and a women standing out front with two kids who looked to be a couple years younger than Cole and AJ.

“Can we help you?” AJ asked as he closed the car door. Cole who was in the other car ignored the people and opened the back door and lifted his mate out.

“Wow you boys sure have grown” The older lady said.

“Er do I know you?” AJ asked as Cole walked passed him and then the strangers and carried his mate inside the pack house.

“I doubt you would remember me, the last time I had seen you, you were only a baby”

AJ sniffed the air and instantly knew they were rouges. “You do know that you are trespassing on our land”

“I know, we are here to see your dad Aaron,” The lady said.

“Dad” AJ said through the mind link

“Yes AJ is everything ok?”

“There are rouges out the front of the pack house asking to speak with you”

"How many?"

"Four, two are around your age and two are a little younger then Cole and I"

“I’m on my way” His father said before cutting off the mind link.

AJ stood there for a minute contemplating if he should have told his father about this grandad’s death but decided to wait until the rouges had seen him.

It didn’t take long for AJ’s dad to come out the front door, as soon as he did he stood there shocked.

“Ella?” He asked

“Hello Aaron” the woman around AJ’s dad age said.

“What…how” Was all Aaron could say before Ella ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

“It so good to see you again Aaron.” Ella said

"Ella" Aaron said again as he pulled back and looked at her "I can't believe you are here, I never thought I was going to see you again"

"I know, I'm so sorry for leaving the way I did" She said looking back at the man standing behind her "But I couldn't let you lock my mate up in a cell"

"It's ok Ella, I understand" Aaron told her.

"I heard about the hunters and what they had been doing to your pack, I just needed to come and make sure you were alright" She explained.

“They killed Nana" Aaron said softly.

"I know, I had heard. I'm so sorry Aaron, Mrs B was like a grandmother to us all."

"I know, god Ella I still can't believe you are here! How are you, what have you been doing with your self since you left?"

“We are good, when I fell pregnant with our first son we decided it was time to join a pack” Ella said looking back at her mate. ”This is John my mate”

Aaron stepped away from Ella and towards her mate, he held out his hand to John “Thank you for taking such good care of her”

John looked at Aaron’s outstretched hand and reluctantly lifted his to shake Aaron’s “It was my pleasure, I couldn’t have asked for a better mate”

The Benson Twins (Book 4 of SBTE)Where stories live. Discover now