𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 - 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚜

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It was dark with only a few narrow streaks of sunlight squeezing its way through the abandoned pharmacy. The pharmacy was completely empty with only one living person inside. Her name...Faith Walsh. Her short, amber hair hung down freely, brushing against the top of her shoulders. She wore a dark grey tank top with black skinny jeans, black combat boots and a flannel tied around her waist. Strapped to her back was a sack full of arrows as well as a bow resting on her shoulder. Faith also carried a rather big knife, just in case.

The brunette was searching the shelves for some medicine, bandages, anything that would treat her leg. She had cut it pretty badly escaping from walkers and it had bled out quite a lot. Faith hoped nobody else would enter the pharmacy. She wasn't good around new people. She was a nervous and shy woman and she suffered from severe anxiety. Faith had always been like this, as far as she could remember. Ever since she lost her voice, she lost a part of herself. Luckily, she always had her big brother, Shane to lean on. He was always there for her, through thick and thin. Faith had no idea if he was still alive or not. As soon as the outbreak happened, she tried to get in contact with him but everything went down. The last time Faith saw her brother was when she left to go travelling. That obviously didn't happen.

As Faith looked through the shelves, she heard the door of the pharmacy opening, making her heart freeze. Someone was here. Faith couldn't even remember how long it had been since she had last seen a living person. She looked around and found a small counter to hide behind so as quietly as she could, she limped over to the counter, still covering her bleeding wound on her leg. Once she had gotten to the counter, she crouched behind it and hoped and prayed whoever was in the pharmacy would take whatever they needed and would leave.

"Glenn, what are you looking at?" Faith heard a woman ask. She had a southern accent. Faith gulped as she realised that not one, but two people were in the pharmacy.

"Oh, nothing." The man Faith now knew as Glenn said. "Come on, let's just get what we came for."

Faith heard some ruffling, she guessed Glenn and the woman were taking some medicine. She hoped they would be done soon. "Maggie, are you bleeding?" Glenn asked, making Faith's heart stop. Had Glenn and the woman named Maggie seen her blood?

"No, why?" Maggie asked.

"Look, there's a trail here. It looks fresh. I think someone's here." Glenn said. Glenn and Maggie both took out their weapons. Glenn had a knife and Maggie had a gun. They both followed the trail of blood which lead to a small counter at the back of the pharmacy. They crept over and when they looked behind, they saw a girl crouched behind it, pointing an arrow towards the two.

"Who are you?" Maggie asked but Faith said nothing. She couldn't say anything. Faith got up, her bow and arrow still pointed at Glenn and Maggie as she tried to move away. She winced in pain when she accidently put pressure on her leg, making Glenn and Maggie look at it.

"Oh, you're hurt." Glenn said as he lowered his knife. Faith didn't move though. She kept her bow and arrow up. She didn't know these people. She didn't know if they were good or bad. For all she knew, they might want to kill her. "Did you get bit?"

Faith shook her head, still being cautious of the pair in front of her. They sure did look like decent people but looks can be deceiving. She breathed heavily to stop herself from having another one of her anxiety attacks. "Hey, it's okay. We're not going to hurt you." Maggie said once she had lowered her gun. Faith didn't move though. "My daddy is a doctor. I bet he could patch your leg up for you."

Faith looked at Maggie and could tell she was telling the truth. Her eyes held kindness and sincerity. Faith could tell and so she slowly lowered her bow and arrow. "So, what's your name?" Glenn asked Faith.

Faith pushed her wrist towards Glenn and Maggie, showing them a silver bracelet with the word, 'Faith' engraved into it. It was a birthday present from her brother and she never took it off. "Your name's Faith?" Maggie asked, making Faith nod.

"Huh, not much of a talker, are you?" Glenn asked, making Faith shake her head. "Do you choose not to talk or can you not talk?" Faith held up two fingers, telling Glenn it was the second assumption. "Oh, you can't talk. You're a mute?" He asked, making Faith nod.

"How did you hurt your leg?" Maggie asked. Faith pulled out a notepad and pen and began writing, "I was running from walkers and cut it against a tree." Glenn and Maggie read the note and both nodded. "You poor thing. Do you wanna come back to my daddy's farm? He'll clean your wound and patch it up."

Faith looked at Glenn and Maggie cautiously. She didn't know anything about these two people. How could she trust them? How did she know they wouldn't try to hurt her or rob her or kill her? "You don't trust us. That's understandable. But we can help you. We have a group back at the farm. They're good people. We have women and a kid. You'll be safe there." Glenn said.

Faith had a think about it. She didn't know if she was ready to be surrounded by a bunch of new people. It had been so long since she had been around anyone. But being on that farm and getting her leg patched up sounded like a good idea. If it was safe from walkers, would it really be so bad to have a look? Faith looked up at Glenn and Maggie and nodded.

"Great." Maggie smiled. "Come on, I'll help you to the car." Maggie wrapped her arms around Faith and helped her walk to the car. She was placed at the back with her leg up and Glenn and Maggie sat at the front with Glenn driving. Faith was desperately trying to regulate her breathing. She couldn't have an anxiety attack in front of Glenn and Maggie. It would make her look weak. It would be straight up embarrassing. But she couldn't help but feel her heart thump out of her chest with every turn that Glenn took.

 But she couldn't help but feel her heart thump out of her chest with every turn that Glenn took

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