pt.2 the begining

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"Rose it's 8am and your still in bed. You've gotta be in collage at 8:40" wilbur tried to make Rose get up but she really didn't want to.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get up if you make avocado toast for breakfast" Rose loved avocado toast, it was her favourite breakfast. Wilbur only made it for her when she was sad, or when she said she'd only do something if he made it, like go to school.

"Fine, I'll go make it but you better get that butt out of bed Rose" she smiled, at the fact that she got him to make her avocado toast. She was gonna get out of bed in a minute anyway but now at least she got something out of it.

Then she remembered that she hasn't told Will about her getting on the smp. She did shout it at like 6am when she woke up but he was probably asleep. If he heard it then he would have ran in her room all exited.

This is the fit

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This is the fit

In all honesty Rose was a little nervous for her first day at the collage, since she didn't know anyone but Will said he knew a few of the kids and that she'll be fine. He was probably just trying to make her feel better.

8:20 ~
"See Will, only took me 20 minutes. Time management skills" she was actually quite shocked that she was able to get ready in 20 minutes. All she had to do now was eat, brush her teath then leave and she had another 15 minutes to do that because Will said he would drive her to collage today.

"Well that's shocking" indeed it was, Will wasn't really paying much attention to her since he was stuffing his face with avocado toast.

"Oh and there's something I need to tell you, it's like no big deal really but I just thought you should know" it was a big deal, she just wants to see the look on his face when he finds out what it is.

"Okay what is it?" There was slight concern in his voice but it was masked by the fact he was still eating avocado toast.

"Yeah so dream dm'd me on Twitter saying I can join the smp, not that big of a deal really" she said it with such a straight face that even she was shocked. Usually she would have busted out into laughter before she got the first words out but she had her own rolplaying she did on her streams so she was pretty decent at acting now.

He dropped his avocado toast he was that shocked. He had been trying to convince dream of it for weeks, even before she actually asked. He had to do it in a suttle way so he wouldn't get suspicious though.

"Tonight probably, holy shit dude it's 8:33. We've gotta go like yesterday" she ran to the bathroom to brush her teath and by then it was 8:35. So she grabbed her bag and jacket and ran to wilburs car, he was already inside.

Luckily the collage wasn't too far away and there wasn't much traffic so they got there at about 8:38 and she got inside 1 minute before the bell, how lucky.

Her first class was maths, and her next was English. They were two classes that she was very good in. She was never good at science and in her eyes it's a pointless subject since she doesn't care about how the world is the world really. She just makes peace with the fact that it is what it is.

Rose has social anxiety which sometimes isn't great for a streamer but she manages. She was just hoping the teacher wouldn't ask her to stand up at the front and say something about herself.

Luckily for her she didn't. All the teacher said was "good morning Rose, it's lovely to have you. Do you mind sitting next to the boy with blond hair, behind the small brunette boy please" she just nodded and looked for where she had to sit.

She walked over to the blond boy and put her stuff down next to her chair and sat down, the boy smiled then continued talking to the brunette boy, without introducing himself to the girl.

"Hi, I'm Toby. This is Thomas, he doesn't like his name very much so we just call him tommy" the brunette boy took notice of how rude the blond was so he introduced them both.

"I'm Rose, it's nice to meet you, Toby and tommy" Rose was glad that at least one of them said something to her so she could at least know their names.

"Yeah, you two" tommy was being a bit rude but she saw how tired he looked so she ignored the rudeness, hoping he wasn't always like this.

"Okay so we are going to do some revision. I know you call hate revision but because of that I know none of you will do it yourselves so, over the next few weeks we will be going over things you should have learned in high school, weather you like it or not." Rose was kind of nervous that she wasn't as smart as the other kids since she missed a few months of school but that wasn't the case.

"Okay, I'll write a question and I'll say it out loud and if you know the answer put your hand up, I'll only call on people with their hand up so no need to worry" the utter releafe from Rose was amazing. She hated being called on when she didn't know the answer, if she did and she was posative then it wasn't that bad but when she had no clue she was scared to death.

"Okay can anyone find the value of x. 3x +15 = 5x -25" Rose put her hand up within seconds if that. When she did the teacher pointed at her as a way to tell her to say what the answer is.

"x= 20" Rose was sure that the answer was correct. And to her this was a very easy question. Considering she hadn't been in school in so long.

"That is correct" the teacher was shocked by how quickly she answered, and also that she answered at all. Most people in the class don't put their hand up.

"Wow that was quick, how did you do that all so quick" Toby was also shocked, tommy showed no intrest in the subject.

"I just did it in my head really, it's 3x+15=5x-25 so I cancelled 3x on both sides which leaves 15=2x-25 so I plussed 25 to 15 which is 40 then devide that by 2 is 20 so x=20" she found it kind of hard to explain what she did but she managed.

"Ohhh, okay. That makes sense to me now, but I'm still wondering how you did that all in your head in like two seconds." She just giggled, not knowing how to answer what he said.


Okay this is a longer chapter, I'm still really tired making this and it's 10am. But I'll look over it and edit it later

Make sure to drink some thing, weather it's water, juice or milk. And eat something two. I'm about to have porrage which I'm exited for.

Word count: 1200

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