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I s a b e l l a  G r e e n w o o d

I have been talking to Luke for three weeks now. I can honestly say he is one of the biggest dorks I have ever met,well talked to.

We haven't sent any pictures to each  other or face timed which in all honesty I am pretty nervous about since I don't remeber a lot of what happened when we met and I probably had makeup smeared around my face.

I have learnt a lot about him, but there is something there something he isn't telling me. Yeah, I know we only text but gets upset whenever I ask him about why he was out late and about his school.

I mean I haven't opened up completely with him, I still haven't told him about my brother which I suppose is why I haven't been happy. At all.

"C'mon bella don't be such a bore! You're fifth teen its time you start to rebel!"  Max my brother told me.
My 18 year old drug addict brother. He was never like this not until high school got in with the wrong crowd. Him and his best mates, Zayn and Louis were trying me to snort a line but like always I am trying to turn it down but they are all being more stubborn.
"Max mate she isn't gonna have any you might as well take it!" Zayn tells him.
So that's exactly what he does. But passes out straight after.
"What the fuck zayn WHAT WAS THAT?!"
Before I can rush over to max Louis tattooed arms wrap around my body while zayn rushes over to the lifeless body on the ground.
~~~end of flash back~~~

It was mostly a blur but to put it plainly max died of a drug overdose, and since then I have never saw zayn or Louis I don't know where they are or what they are doing but every fibre in my body hates them.

I suppose talking to luke helps me forget about everything. The way he can make me happy just by typing a couple of words and pressing send. That when I wake up the moment I most look forward to is at the end of the day.

Latest night texts~l.hDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora