Chapter 1: New Arrival

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Bruce groaned as he sun shined in his room from Alfred opening the curtains.

"It is time to wake up Master Bruce." Alfred said in his usual tone.

"Uuugghhh a few more minutes please Alfred." Bruce responded as he turned away and put a pillow over his head.

Bruce had had a particularly rough night on patrol due to the fact all the boys were too busy to help him last night. This was typically a very rare if not a once in a blue moon experience but if it ever happened he was beat up, reminding him of his souly solo days.

"Now Master Bruce all the young Masters are downstairs waiting and need to get to school so I am afraid we must get up." Alfred said as he removed the pillow from Bruce's face.

Begrudgingly Bruce exhaustedly go out of bed and got ready. He wore his usual dark suit and had his hair slicked back so as per usual he was ready for the day. He then proceeded to go down the stairs to the dining room where he found all the boys eating.

Tim who was 13 scarfing his down as fast as possible, Jason who was 15 being slow and leisurely, and then Dick who was 17 ate at the rate any normal person would.

"Morning Bruce I see you're finally awake." Dick commented.

"Geesh Bruce you look like hell." Jason said in his usual manner.

"Yeah was it a rough night?" Tim asked.

"Well when you're on patrol by yourself in a city like Gotham then you tend to be a little tired in the morning."

"But Bruce I-!" Dick and Tim yelled as they started to try and explain their situation the other night.

"It's fine it's fine I just need some coffee this morning."

It was then Alfred came out and poured coffee into Bruce's mug. Bruce basically lived off this stuff seeing how he was both the Batman and a major business tycoon.

"Thank you Alfred." Bruce said as he eagerly drank from the mug.

"Your welcome Sir. Now I believe it is time for some of us to get to school."

Alfred eyed the boys giving them the hint they better get going. Taking the hint Dick got the keys to the car and left the dining room Tim and Jason quickly following.

"Well Master Bruce I believe you have about 2 hours before you must attend your meetings so that should give you just enough time for you to eat a hearty breakfast and unwind from last night's patrol." Alfred told Bruce knowing how hard being the bat could be on him.

"Thank you Alfred."

"Anytime Sir."

It was then Alfred left for a few minutes and then returned with a plate of pancakes and bacon, a plate of eggs, and a glass of orange juice. Bruce gladly thanked Alfred and then started eating his meal. As per usual it was quite delicious and filling which helped Bruce wake up a bit.

After he was finally finished with his breakfast Bruce had about a half hour to unwind which wasn't much but every little bit helped. It was then Bruce decided to take a bit of a power nap on the couch hoping to make it so he wasn't so tired.

After about fifteen minutes there was a ring at the door bell causing Bruce to wake up. He waited a moment but heard no one open the door guessing Alfred was finishing up the dishes. So with much reluctance Bruce got up from the comfortable couch and went to the door.

Bruce opened it but much to his surprise there was no one there. He looked around and didn't see anyone around so he figured some kid was ding dong ditching. Just as Bruce was about to close the door he heard a small soft whine. Bruce looked down and saw a basket with a light blue blanket over it.

He crouched down and slowly and cautiously lifted the blanket up and what he saw nearly made his eyes pop out of their sockets. For before him was a sleeping tiny baby boy. Bruce just crouched for a while not knowing what to say or do in this situation.

It was then something told him to take the baby inside he didn't know what or why but he felt that he should. Bruce carefully lifted the basket on his doorstep and brought it inside. He took him to the living room and set the baby on the coffee table. Bruce just stared at it for a while not knowing what to do until he saw a note tucked in next to the baby. He picked it up and began to read it.

My beloved,

I know it has been some time since we last met but now I have a favor to ask of you. I need you to take care of my son for a bit, you see it's not safe right now for him with the league of shadows. His name is Damian, he's about 3 months, and he also you're son. I never really planned on telling you about him but I'm desperate. I'll take him back as soon as possible.

Love, Talia Al Ghul

Bruce was absolutely paralyzed he didn't know what to say, what to do, what to think. His head was absolutely spinning right now with confusion and stress. He then looked at the peacefully sleeping baby noticing he actually looked a lot like him especially with the thick head of dark hair he had.

Bruce couldn't honestly remember doing anything with Talia. He'd always had feelings for her but he had never hooked up with her not to say he wasn't experienced with such matters as seen from his playboy reputation. It was then he remembered about a little over a year ago he was captured by Ra's Al Ghul and they took a sample of him. Knowing the technology and other resources they had they could use at as a way to get Talia pregnant.

Suddenly his train of thought was interrupted by a whine that was getting louder. Bruce turned to see Damian wriggling as he started to cry. He didn't really know what to do but with what little knowledge on babies he had he picked up Damian the best he could.

In that moment Damian finally opened his eyes revealing deep emerald eyes like Talia's. Bruce swore he felt his heart skip a beat and then something more. Almost immediately after settling in Bruce's arms Damian stopped crying almost as if he knew who was holding him was his father. He then proceeded to fall asleep gripping to Bruce's shirt and cuddling closer to his chest.

Bruce couldn't help but smile at this forgetting for a moment he had no clue what he was doing. It was then Alfred walked into the living room.

"Pardon me Sir but I swear I heard a-." Alfred said before he froze from what he saw.

"Alfred uhh I can explain uuuhhhhere read this!"

Alfred took the letter and read it carefully. His eyes bulged even more as he began to read into the details of the situation.

"Talia Al Ghul Sir?"

"Yeah I guess some how they got a hold of my DNA and then used it."

"Well I say we have a lot of purchases to make Master Bruce and that you will not be attending your meetings today."

Bruce simply nodded as his gaze went back to Damian already feeling attached to the little boy.

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