Whoever it was, it had caught her attention by the beautiful and thoughtful words.

She decided to go and started to like it even more, when she immediately fell in love with whoever had apparently written it for her, despite being a little younger. Both began to get to know each other better and fell in love with each other even more with each passing day, until a fateful day arrived.

On a day when he hadn't attended class, Isabella went to the 6th grade classroom to find out what had happened to his prince, since he hadn't warned her the day before that he wouldn't be going to school.

It was then that she met a girl named Wendy, who informed her of everything Butters hadn't told her. 

She was immediately horrified that her boyfriend had not told her that he was so futile about caring so much for the outside beauty, that if she didn't look good in his eyes, they'd never have met.

Incredulous but at the same time suspicious, the next day Isa spoke to Butters and saw her world crumble when he confessed to her that if she didn't meet his standards of beauty, he wouldn't look at her or consider wanting a romance with her.

Heartbroken by that, but somehow still loving him, Isabella slapped him in addition to putting an end to their relationship, which in his words, was only based on superficiality.

Despite wanting so much to be in his arms again, Isa knew she couldn't.

"... I don't want to know, get out of here, now!" She screamed, the most difficult words she has ever had to say.

"I'll not leave here until you come here to talk to me!" He shouted back, before singing and playing the guitar again.

The red-haired girl got out of bed and took a deep breath.

"Be strong, Isabella, be strong." She murmured to herself.

"Do you want me to go downstairs and make him go away quickly?" Clara asked, as she closed her right hand into a fist and punched it against her left hand. Nobody messed with her younger sister, even if she was her foster sister, their relationship went beyond blood ties.

"No, it's fine, I can handle him thanks." Isabella replied, before going to the bathroom and filled a bucket that was there with water.

She took the bucket back to her room and reluctantly poured the water into the whole bucket on top of the blond boy, who stopped playing and was amazed to see that his girlfriend had done that.

"I already said that I don't wanna talk to you now, did you still don't understand me? Now get out of here, don't bother me and only come back when you review how wrong your thoughts are!" She said in the most angry voice she could, which worked.

Butters ducked his head and sadly prepared to go.

"I love you and it'll probably be like this forever, never forget that." He said, before starting his sad walk home.

Isabella remained pretending to be firm and strong. Until she realized that he was already gone. She started to cry, why did she have to love someone with the defect that she most loathed about a person?

"Why? Why does everything have to be so difficult for me Clara?" She asked between loud sobs, as she was hugged and comforted by her sister.

"I know, I know it must be very difficult." Clara murmured, while stroking her head.

Time skip ...

The day took a long time to pass for you, each hour seemed to last 10 full hours, it usually happened when you really wanted the day to pass quickly. 

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