His favorite season and why

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~ Kolivan ~

~ His favorite season of Autumn because that's when the leaves turn color and it's just chilly enough where you want to cuddle up to him


~ Antok ~

~ His favorite season is Winter because he thinks it's a season full of romance


~ Thace ~

~ His favorite season of Autumn because of the holidays


~ Ulaz ~

~ His favorite season is Spring because it's a season full of new life, romance and the trees are in full bloom; and it's the season where everyone suddenly wants babies


~ Regris ~

~ His favorite season is Summer because the weather is hot and you both get to go on fun, romantic vacations together


~ Sendak ~

~ His favorite season is Winter because it's cold and it's for that very reason you cuddle up to him since he's always warm


~ Haxus ~

~ His favorite season is Spring because it's not too hot or too cold


~ Hepta ~

~ His favorite season is Summer because summer isn't cold and the two of you go to fun places together


~ Throk ~

~ His favorite season is Winter because of all the holiday baking and because he gets to cuddle with you in front of the fireplace


~ Sniv ~

~ His favorite season is Summer because you both go fun places together, the weather is nice and he gets to see you in a bikini

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