Making up

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- When he was ready to apologize to you he went to the Castle and asked to see you

- At first you didn't want to see him but after you heard his apologie you opened your door

- He then gave you a box/bag of your favorite candy

- You forgave him and he leaned down and kissed you


- When he got to the Castle Pidge started yelling at him for getting mad at you

- Once Shiro calmed Pidge down you came out from around the corner

- He took off his mask and apologized to you

- He was happy when you forgave him


- When he got to the Castle you were the one who greeted him

- He gave you a single flower and he apologized to you

- It took you a few minutes but you forgave him

- He then pulled you in for a kiss


- When he got to the Castle he saw you and Allura walk out

- After Allura made sure that you would be okay she went to go tell everyone else what was happening

- He then got down on one knee, held both of your hands in his and gave you the most sincere apology he could

- He was relieved when you forgave him and pulled him in for a kiss


- When he arrived at the Castle Keith took him to your room

- When he knocked you let him in after a few minutes

- He then got down on his knees and begged you to forgive him

- You forgave him and gave him a passionate kiss


- He was extremely nervous to apologize to you since he's never actually apologized to anyone before

- When he got to the cell that you were in he opened the door and everyone tried to hide

- When you saw him you slowly walked towards him

- He then leaned down and apologized to you. And he was happy that you forgave him


- When he found you he saw that you were sleeping

- He gently shook your shoulder and you woke up and looked at him

- He then apologized to you and hoped that you would forgive him

- He was really happy when you forgave him


- In the middle of the night he snuck to your cell and opened it

- You saw him when he opened the door since you couldn't sleep

- He then apologized to you before he took you to an escape pod

- Once you both were off the ship you forgave him and he kissed you


- After a couple of days you decided to go look for him

- When you found him you saw that he had been crying

- When he saw you he gave you the best apology that he could

- When you forgave him he leaned down to kiss you


- After two weeks you decided to forgive him so you went to his room

- When you got to his room you saw him crying

- When he saw you he begged you to forgive him

- You forgave him and he pulled you in for a soft, passionate kiss

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