"No. He died during the final Battle of Bougainville. He was shot, rescued by a fellow soldier but died of an infection in the wound. Rosie was heartbroken when she got the news and... she... she took her own life, saying in her letter to Hannah and I that she didn't want to live without her brother by her side."

"Dad." I said in shock, taking his hand. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be Julia. There's nothing you could do about it. So..." dad took a deep breath crying to compose himself.

"Please don't tell me it get worse."

"I'm afraid it does Julia. Both my parents died in 1947, they both lived until their late 70s. Prior to that, after losing Richard and Rosie, Hannah and I went into a period of mourning for a long time. We agreed we didn't want to have anymore children. Feeling we were cursed almost. We kinda didn't do much. Wake up, breakfast, work, dinner, bed. That's all. And then last winter, December 1950. Hannah caught the flu, and didn't make it. She died in my arms at home."

"Dad. I don't even know what to say. But I'm so sorry. No one should ever have to go though that much loss in their lifetime. To essentially lose 5 children, one so young, one to war and one so suicide. And to then lose your wife. I'm so sorry."

"Julia, you have no need to apologise. You did nothing wrong. I should have been the one to stay in touch with you."

"You were going though so much. I'm not surprised you didn't have the time or will to want to call."

"All I ask is that you let me back into your life. I understand if you don't want me to play a huge role in your twins lives. But I just want to be able to know them at least."

"Of course dad. Do you want to come over tonight? Meet Donny, meet the twins."

"I'd love to Julia. I'm sorry for never being the father you deserved. Especially when you needed me most."

"It's okay. I now understand why. I should probably get home to the twins. But I'll see you later. Here's the address." I handed him a piece of paper with our address on.

"Thank you Julia. I'm going to try my best to be a good dad for you once again, and be a loving grandfather that your twins deserve." I nodded and stood up as he walked me to the door. "I'll see you tonight Julia. Bye."

"Bye dad." I said walking out feeling accomplished and proud. But also feeling broken for all the news my father had told me. I went home and Donny was laying with the twins on the floor so I joined them. Laying on my back, lifting Flora onto the chest.

"Hey love. How was talking with your dad? Did you resolve things?"

"Yeah. He's had so much go on in his life. I understand why he lost contact. He and Hannah went though two miscarriages before having a healthy baby. However their son died age 3. That was why he didn't show up to Michael and I's wedding. He was in hospital with his kid, he died the day after. So my dad was grieving so never called. Hannah was then infertile, so they adopted teenagers. Richard was drafted. Wrote about you in his letters."

"Richard Adams?"

"Yeah. Dad said he was a guitarist. Drafted to Bougainville in '43."

"Yeah. He was great. So talented and young. It was Rubber, Rico, Morris and Nova. That was the four of us. Rico and Morris both died during the battle of Bougainville. I tried to save them. Rico was shot maybe 50 yards from me, I heard his scream and I ran to him, I carried him to safety but he got infected so quickly. And died from infection. Morris was shot right in the chest, though essential organs. Died in my arms as I carried him. Rico died while I was trying to help heal him. I was the only one of the four to make it home." I nodded my head.

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