Chapter 5: Adjusting to the Autobots

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Optimus flew over the valley, listening to Anna and Kristoff's directions. "So, this is the valley of the living rock?" he asked. "Yes," said Anna, as Optimus landed. They all climbed out, with Kristoff carrying Elsa. The rocks then rolled forward, and uncurled themselves as trolls. "KRISTOFF!!" said Bubba. "Anna and Elsa, the adventure is never over with you two, is it?" asked Grand Pabbie. "No," said Elsa, "Um, can you see if you can get these anti-magic ropes off me please?" Grand Pabbie then worked his powers, and the ropes fell off. "I must say," said Grand Pabbie, "What happened?" "I was kidnapped by Hans' mother, who seems to be a sorcerous." "And Anna and Kristoff helped rescue you?" "We wouldn't have done it without the Autobots." "Autobots?" asked Grand Pabbie. "Yes," said Optimus, still in his truck form, "I am Optimus Prime." "My, I never thought I would see something as extraordinary as this." "If you think this is big," said Anna, "You should see his other form." "I will show it to you if you'd like," said Optimus. "If it's not a bother to you," said Grand Pabbie.

(0:17 to 0:40)

"My goodness!" said Grand Pabbie. "I am the leader of the Autonomous Robotic Organisms from the Planet Cybertron," said Optimus, "Also known as Autobots. We hail from the future, and are here to protect Elsa, her family and kingdom from the Decepticons." "Who are the Decepticons?" asked a young troll. "They are bad news. Our planet, Cybertron, was once a powerful and peaceful empire. Until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. So, thus began the war. It was starting to get so bad, we had to evacuate Cybertron. We have been brought here looking for the Four Cyber Planet Keys. They fell to Earth the same time Elsa was born." "What?" asked Grand Pabbie, "I thought those were a just legend." "No, Elsa was born the same time the Keys fell to Earth, and she has the power to summon them, and only her alone." "I see, why must you get these keys?" "They power the Omega Lock. Those who claim it's power, they will become unstoppable. We plan to use it to defeat the Decepticons, and rebuild our home. For now, we have made a promise: to not let the fate of OUR planet be the fate of any other." "Very well," said Grand Pabbie, "I wish you the best of luck."

It had been a week since the Autobots helped Elsa, and the whole town saw them transform. So, it wasn't a secret anymore. Now a days, the Autobots came and go, and people are a bit freaked out when they transform. Kristoff was coming back with some fresh ice with Landmine helping carry some of the larger blocks. "Hey Kristoff," said Landmine, "Am I getting stares from some of the citizens?" Kristoff then said, "Yes, why?" "I'm just not used to standing out in this mode, that's all." Landmine then put the ice blocks down, and he said, "Well, I think I should go off and see if Optimus needs any scouting missions." "Okay, bye Landmine." "See ya around Kristoff." Landmine then drove off. 

Anna was in the square and she heard tires squealing. She turned to see Hotshot coming, and she watched him drive in circles, making smoke, saying, "OH YEAH!! THAT'S ANOTHER WIN FOR ME!!!" He then transformed, and saw Anna coughing. "Oh, sorry Anna." "Did you have ANOTHER race in town?!?" Anna scolded. "Um..... no." Just then, horses could be seen riding into view. "Come on," said a rider, "we don't have magic!" "I told you multiple times already: Autobots do NOT use magic!" snapped Hotshot. "It's actually harder to explain," said Anna, "At least from our prospective. Simple form: they're aliens." "Whatever," said another rider, "it's not fair." "You shouldn't have challenged me to a race, since I have 200 horse power." "You run on horses?" asked a third rider. "No, not ACTUAL horses. It's just a saying!" "The future sounds weird," said the last rider, and they all drove their horses off in the other direction. Hotshot then saw Anna staring at him. "Elsa told you no racing in town!" "Sorry," said Hotshot, "I'll... go talk with Jetfire, see if he needs any help." Hotshot then transformed, and he drove off in shame.

There were archers showing off their skills, when Scattershot walked up to them. "Hey there," he said, "You wanna see some of my action?" The men laughed, and one said, "Okay, show us." Scattershot then decided to show them how well he was. 

(11:44 to 11:55)

 He then shot missiles, which flew around in the air, and then hit home target, turning the arrows and targets to ash. The men looked in awe, and back at Scattershot, who said, "Now you know how good I am. Have a good day fellers." Scattershot then drove off, with high spirits.

Jetfire and Vector were landing at the port and opened up to show supplies that the other kingdoms have traded with them. "I must say," said a fisher, "I never thought I would live to see flying machines, or visitors from another planet." "Well," said Jetfire, "there is plenty of things out in the universe." "I can imagine," said a man unloading Vector. "You will probably have seen everything when you're my age," said Vector. "How old are you?" asked a woman walking by. "I was created around the same time Cybertron was build, almost 200,000 years ago from our time." "My goodness," said the fisherman, "You are old." "I am one of the original Primes." "You mean like that Optimus Prime?" asked the man. "The title of Prime is passed down to those who are worthy of the knowledge and have become wise." "I must say," said the woman, "You must have an amazing history." "I also have many stories that I can tell you. Most of them are myths and legends."

It was nice, but suddenly, smoke started to appear. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?" asked Elsa. "Someone forgot to close the door on their stove!!" "Oh no, I have to contain it before it spreads." Elsa then casted her powers, but the fires kept growing. Just then, Optimus jumped into view. 

(0:00 to 0:16)

 "I need to be connected to a flowing water source!!" said Optimus. "Wait, don't your tanks still have that water from when you drained the mine?" asked Elsa. "Of course!!" Optimus then shot out his hose, and said, "I need strong people to hold my hose, and point it at the fire! The one closest to the end of the hose, pull back on the silver lever to spray water!!" Five muscular men, and Kristoff picked up the hose, and the one at the front opened the hose, and shot water out. With the combined powers of Optimus and Elsa, the fire was put out in just 20 minutes. "Wow," said a villager, "That was cool!" "Optimus has told me that his vehicle form is called a Fire Engine," explained Elsa, "They're used to put out fires that might spread like this one might have." Everyone then cheered for Optimus. "THREE CHEERS FOR THE AUTOBOTS!!" Everyone then gave a heroic cheer for them all. "Well," said Elsa, "I think that you have finally been accepted into our world." Even though it couldn't be seen, Optimus was smiling.

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