Chapter 1

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"Morning Boo bear," Harry groaned, he stretched slightly and rolled over to kiss his husbands forehead but was, instead, greeted with the back of his limp head, his hair looked messy and knotted and his shoulder blades were slightly above the safety of the duvet . Louis hadn't woken up, it was around 6am and the boys had an interview early that morning with Roman Kemp. Harry took a second to admire the back of Louis' head before shaking him pretty violently, they had agreed that it was the quickest and easiest way to wake each other up but they'd never actually thought about having to do it, Harry appeared to be enjoying it though and almost forgot why he was actually shaking the poor man in the first place, his dimples became more prominent as he smiled and honestly he didn't even realise it, he stopped after a couple of seconds because his arms were aching from holding the weight of a sleeping man, he would've continued otherwise though .  

Jolting up and looking a little lost, Louis got defensive and swung at Harry, it was a bad aim and he missed by quite a distance, before rolling over, dragging the covers up to his chin and mumbling under his breath. Harry couldn't make out what Louis was saying but it probably had a fair amount of swearing and he doubted any compliments would escape Lou's mouth. Louis definitely wasn't a morning person, he preferred to stay in until midday and then lie for another hour contemplating life; his husband regularly did yoga in the morning before going for a run and reciting poems, mostly Shakespeare, until Louis dragged himself out of bed, usually cocooning himself in a blanket to keep warm.  Harry wasn't taking any rude behaviour that morning though and chucked his 'treat people with kindness' initiative out the window, he yanked the covers off Louis leaving him vulnerable to the cold in only his boxers, pushed him down onto the floor and then very kindly gave him a few pokes to fully wake him up. 

Louis scrambled to his feet and sent mental daggers into Harry's chest. He wasn't impressed, he needed his beauty sleep and Hazza had ruined it. He'd been having a good dream too, he couldn't remember what it was, but it was good. Harry just laughed and looked incredibly pleased with his effort to wake his other half up. 

Making the bed, Harry couldn't help but feel excited about the memory of last night. The warm skin, the soft touches and slow kisses, the moans, the begging. Shit. The sound of the bed hitting the wall. The fucking bed hit the wall. Niall was on the other side of the wall, the room next to them. He'll understand, that's what they hoped anyway. Even if he didn't, it was still a good time for the most part; until Louis forgot that doing literally anything on the floor hurts and decided that he should top whilst Harry's knees and elbows got burnt.

"Haz, how's the knees?" Louis smirked as Harry walked round the bed, they were glowing red and had a blood stain on them, evidentially they were still pretty sore but it only made Louis laugh. He wasn't going to take this from a man who he could rest his elbows on, Harry rugby tackled Lou onto the bed, gave his arm a small beating and then riffled through the draws to find some clothes for them both.

Chucking a pair of socks at the smaller mans head, he chuckled and slapped his thigh. Louis looked up in disapproval but decided not to let Harry get the satisfaction he so desperately wanted. "C'mon, that was pretty funny!" Harry sighed and then restarted his laughter at the look on Louis' face, it wasn't funny, not in the slightest bit funny to be honest but Harold's laugh was so contagious it started Lou off too. "See, I told ya'," he pointed out Louis' laugh and felt pleased with himself, practically pissing his pants as he fell over with a thud.

Smiling slightly but with a stern voice Louis replied, "Harold, I promise you, it wasn't fucking funny, just finish getting dressed!" Which only made Harry laugh harder for no apparent reason.

Niall's faint, accented giggle and Liam's impatient voice came from behind the door as well as several knocks of urgency, apparently they'd been stood there for a while but the couple hadn't heard them so it was probably a lie. An Irish voice loudly enquired "Are you two done snogging yet?" and then the sound of a slap was heard, followed by another knock to hurry the boys along. "'Twas only asking," Niall snapped, as he rubbed his arm.

Girl crushOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora