Why does Kaila even hang around Sophie anyway, it gotta be because she feels bad for her. Ain't nobody willingly hanging out with that trick I promise you. "No, it's fuck you! get.up.now." Kaila said grabbing my right arm, pulling me towards her and Kaiden. I know it's wrong to not call him mom or some shit but he doesn't deserve that title, anybody can birth a kid that's called a birth giver. Not everybody can rightfully be a mother which is what Kaiden isn't he's just a person who gave birth to me, he doesn't do anything for me he doesn't help me he doesn't give a fuck about me so I openly don't give a fuck about him and I remind him of that everyday.

The sudden jingle of car keys made me snap out of my daze causing me to scrunch my face up in annoyance being in a car is better than sitting here being in this trash ass reality.

"Yo." Kaila said raising her hands in the air as she made a face at me. This girl just doesn't quit do she? "What?" I asked unlocking my phone and clicking on the Instagram app checking my followers, scrolling through them. "I said do you want to go to the basketball game with me cause I don't want to go alone and Sophie isn't coming to the game until a little later." She said sighing placing her left hand on her hip and shifting all of her weight to her left leg. I shook my head no because if I don't like living in the same house as her what makes her think that I want to go outside of this house with her.

" Hell nah." I said tucking my phone into my hoodie pocket. Kaila face turned up into a scowl as she rolled her eyes earning by a glare from me I don't care about her being mad if I wanted to go to a game she wouldn't want to come with me, not that I would want her to anyway but I'm just saying.

"And why not? I would go with you if it were the other way around." I scoffed already aware of the fact that she was lying. Kaiden decided to speak up cutting our conversation short no causing me to pull my hood over my head in annoyance. "I can't take you guys to the game on my way to the store." He said smiling looking in between the both of us and giving me a sincere smile that made my insides hurt. I turned away from him because if I stayed here while Kaila was at the game, when he got back home he would be trying to make all kinds of small talk with me and I'm not with that shit, especially not with him. I'm just going to go to the game with Kaila I mean, what could go wrong anyway?

I stood up still not turning to face him making my way to the door as Kaila followed, I noticed that she had her backpack in her hand and a pillow from her bedroom upstairs maybe she was staying at a friends house after the game, maybe she was staying with Sophie. Speaking of Sophie she better not start anything with me tonight, I'm not in the mood for her stuck up ass.

"Who's house you staying over?" I asked sudden as Kaiden excused himself as he squeezed between us and I took a few steps back as the door swung open. "You in my business?" She said rolling her eyes and pushing past me to walk outside as I immediately followed her, she usually would tell me so what the hell was she up to? She better not be trying to stay at a boys house. She opened the back door and I followed her actions by plopping myself down into the clean vinyl seats as Kaiden did the same as well. I slammed the door shut earning a gasp from him and I shook my head. "Scary ass."

Kaiden looked at me through the rear view mirror and smiled again, I looked away not returning it. This nigga smiles at me so much it's starting to get weird, nigga smiling at me like a damn pedo and some more shit. I promise, whenever I get the chance I'm running away from this bitch.
( Kaila's POV )

I giggled lightly as I watched Ma dance to himself while listening to 'What's Next' by Drake. He was getting it too and just as I was about to start hyping him up this lord farquad looking ass nigga decides to speak up causing me to roll my eyes.

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