"Now is not the time for romance, go get the work done." Khushi giggled as she rushed away.


Both Arnav & Khushi stood beside each other and looked at Tara as she walked down the aisle dancing so happily, she seemed like the happiest bride, she was so happy and just enjoying her dance while Rohan stood at the altar waiting for her.

He had this huge smile on his face and a look that showed how much he was admiring her currently, the whole scenario was so beautiful.

Khushi slowly slid had hand into his and held it tightly, she looked at him and he smiled at her.

"Someday." Arnav smiled at her as they both once again turned to look at Tara and Rohan, they were now standing opposite each other holding the flower garlands that they were supposed to exchange.

"It's so beautiful isn't it." Khushi smiled at Arnav.

"It is." Arnav nodded in agreement, before he fell in love with her, he had never bothered much about wedding or anything, even at their wedding, he didn't pay any attention, he just wanted to get done with it for Anjali's sake.

He was always going to feel guilty about that time, knowing the truth now, just reminded him of what a terrible person he had been to Khushi, and how she tolerated all his torture for so long.

If there was anyone out there that believed that he didn't deserve her, they probably were right, he didn't, he was just glad that despite it all, she gave him a chance to right his wrongs, and he knew he had to do everything in his power to make sure that she was going to be happy with him, and with time he was going to win her trust back.

Tara gestured something to Khushi so she nodded and rushed towards her, and as she left his hand, he felt uncomfortable, he wanted to keep holding her longer, to make sure all this was real and not a dream, to make sure that she was here, with him and she wasn't leaving him.

Khushi sat down beside Tara while the wedding rituals began, Arnav settled down on a chair a bit further from the altar and watched the wedding.

Seeing Tara and Rohan getting tied into this beautiful bond of marriage was a bit too overwhelming for him, he had all sorts of mixed feelings, about the past, the present and the future.

It was crazy how he never realized how beautiful their own wedding ceremony had been because he was overpowered by hatred, and now witnessing this wedding, all he could wish was to go back in time and change things, but only if it was possible.

Khushi deserved so much more, a better husband, a guy that loved her and respected her, not someone that treated her like he had done, he was actually surprised that she even forgave him, she had to be really strong to forgive a man that had been so terrible to her.

He stood up and walked far away in the garden where people weren't around, he dint know if he was ever going to be able to get rid of this guilt he felt.

"Arnav." He heard her soft voice and felt her hand on his shoulder, he turned around and pulled her into a hug immediately.

"Hey, what happened?" She asked.

"I am so sorry Khushi, for everything that I have put you through in the past, I was so horrible to you, I was literally a monster and I am so glad that you actually forgave me for everything I did in the past.

I would always be grateful for it, I know you gave me a chance I dint deserve but I promise, you will never ever regret giving me that chance, I promise I will do whatever it takes to keep you as happy as possible.

I just want you to know, I am not the same person I was before, and I will prove that to you, every day, I will make sure you see that I am a different person. I am sorry for everything." He broke the hug and looked at her sadly.

"I know Arnav, if I gave you another chance, it's only because you aren't the same person that you were before."

"I'm sorry, I just got overwhelmed with so many feelings." He tried to laugh it off as a joke.

"It happens, especially at weddings." Khushi smiled at him.

"I know... anyway go back to the altar, I'm sure both Tara and Rohan need you around, I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Of course, as long as I have you in my life, I'm always going to be fine." Arnav smiled.

"You've become so cheesy nowadays but I like it." Khushi giggled as she walked away and headed back to the altar.

He stayed where he was for a while, trying to get himself back together and then walked back to where he was seated so he could continue watching the wedding.

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