Ch. 4: Well Along Came an Angel. Well, Sort of...

Start from the beginning

"Handle us? You'll handle us will you? Try handling getting your ass kicked, cocky little bastard!" 

The Giant swung his massive arm towards the young man with all his might going for his vulnerable neck. The reaction from the young man was incredible. He moved so swiftly it was as if he hadn't made a single motion of his body at all. The Giant's arm swung straight through the boy’s body like thin air. Was this some weird magic trick? This shocked the attacker as he went for another full swing of his fists, towering towards the younger fighter's head. The young fighter simply, if not gracefully, stepped forward a few paces where the fists did not slam upon him and he was within the Giant's chest area and swiftly delivered a single bone shattering blow that could be heard by all nearby spectators. Even at my distance, I had heard the Giant's rib cage crack in odd places as he collapsed face first to the ground with a loud thud. My eyes widened in disbelief from what I’d witnessed. Someone who was a fraction of a size to this massive beast had immobilized him in a single hit. The remaining three stood there flabbergasted and shuddered in fear. Clearly they had never seen anyone take down the big boss of theirs. 

"Such a pity... I didn't mean to strike with that much force. Should have held back more." The young man said with a gleeful smile upon his face as he then turned his attention towards the rest of the remaining crew now, his crimson eyes shimmering in the moonlight. "I guess I will definitely have to hold back my strength on you remaining three. You're far frailer than he is and one mistake might kill you. This can easily be avoided if you all simply run away and never return to this campus. I promise not to hunt you down." He gave an innocent grin as he awaited their response. 

The three remaining goons did not hesitate to take their opportunity to escape certain doom and fled wailing. Soon their screams faded into the darkness. It was just us now, alone. He looked down at the giant he had defeated so easily and walked past him, headed my direction. I was hyperventilating in fear, pushing myself further back against a wall that obviously was not giving in to my panic. He looked undeniably like he did in my dreams. Every bit of him screamed danger and I was not taking the chances I had taken within my dream world. He saw my terror and stopped in his tracks holding his hand out with a peaceful expression.

 "It's alright. I won't hurt you, I swear. Please calm down." He pleaded, I rejected his plea instinctively. 

"How do I know that? For all I know you're just like them. No, worse... I know you are." I didn't realize I was clenching my chest. My heart was racing out of control. My nightmare was literally standing in front of me. The men in my dream were real as well. This was deja vu all over again. I was trying to anticipate his next move. He deliberated his next action cautiously as if trying to read my thoughts, his expression a serious demeanor.

"You have me confused with something totally surreal. I came just at the right time." He tried to explain. I denied that as well. 

"Oh really? You were in such a rush to leave earlier. Do I smell that horrid to you? I was bewildered about it all class period. What did I ever do to you? Then you're suddenly here when it was certain I'd be raped or even murdered. It doesn't add up. The dreams are becoming reality. Who are you really?" My voice cracked under pressure. Too many thoughts were going through my head. None of this was making sense. Just what the hell is going on in this weird town?

"My name is Salem Valhahn. I'm sorry for my earlier behavior. I rushed out of the room because whatever you had on flared my allergies and became overwhelming. I have a sensitive nose. I'm sorry I couldn't explain it earlier. I promise it was not because you had a smell I did not like," He explained. 

-Truthfully, it was the exact opposite. Salem was intoxicated by her very scent.- 

"Please forgive my rudeness. I am also out tonight because I was headed back home and I take this route all the time. I don't live on campus. I was just as surprised as you were when those pathetic fools tried to hurt you. So yes, I got here at the right time." He smiled at me assuring he was telling the truth. I couldn't help but feel relaxed when I saw that perfect smile. I still had one more question.

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