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Todoroki's POv:

The training was pretty boring today. Bakugou didn't show up until the last minute, and it seemed like he had been... Crying if you looked closely at his eyes and the stains in his cheeks. His throat sounded sore and hoarse too.

I wonder what happened. What caused all of this. Was it me? Was it school? Was it something going on at home he couldn't escape from or something in his head? These thoughts nagged at me all day.

I was truly worried about him like he was my last resort or something. What was going on?

Third Person POV:

Bakugou quickly took off his hero costume. He threw his clothes and accessories everywhere, not caring where they went or how they ended up. He had gotten changed in the showers of the boy's locker room like he always did. He didn't want to be judged and bullied or some shit. He opened the curtain of the shower, revealing his wrinkled and ill-taken care of school uniform that he put on in a rush. 

"Hey, bro! How are-"

"Don't talk to me Shitty Hair", Bakugou grumbled to the enthusiastic redhead that greeted him, walking right past him and heading for the door.

"Is something wrong?", Kirishima asked, turning to Katsuki with a hurt and confused face.

He didn't get a response, only a flip of the bird and the slamming of a door.

Todoroki had just finished getting changed, and he was beyond worried about his friend. Not that Bakugou would admit he even had friends besides Kirishima, and even then, he wouldn't admit that either.

Kirishima reached his arm out and made a confused noise, not sure what to do. Shoto put his hand in his shoulder, swiftly saying, "I'll handle it" before he left the room without question.


"Bakugou," Shoto said, making the blond he was following behind flinch and turn around.

"What do you want, Icy-Hot bastard?", Katsuki yelled, setting off a few sparks from his hands and getting in a ready position.
Todoroki just stood there and sighed, rolling his eyes slightly as he thought of what to say.
"You don't have to be so defensive around me. I'm not gonna hurt you or anything. I just want to know what's going on with you"

"Nothing is going on! I'm fine", Bakugou scoffed, deactivating his quirk and slipping his hands into his pockets as he fixated his eyes to the floor.

"You haven't been acting yourself recently. I can tell that somethings been on your mind. I won't tell anyone else", Shoto said as he took a few steps forward, now just a foot away from the shorter male.

Bakugou bit the inside of his cheek, trying to keep whatever he was thinking from spilling out of his mouth.

He really couldn't get rid of this bastard, can he?

"Fine. I'm tired of you pestering me, anyway. I like someone, now leave me alone"

Todoroki was stunned. Bakugou, liking someone?? But, who? And would they even like him back? What does this mean?

Todoroki felt like someone was aggressively pulling on his heart stings and snipping them off. He's never felt like this before about anyone. He doesn't know what love feels like, yet he has a feeling he had a crush on someone.

That person making him feel butterflies in his stomach flutter whenever they're close or stare at them lovingly with those ruby eyes, or giving swift comebacks that never hurt his feelings, only making them stronger for him. Or whenever they fight and train together, and whenever they touch, it's like fireworks are being set off. Or whenever Todoroki would get lost in their looks and get so distracted he'd have to pinch the inside of this thigh.

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